Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 24th September 2022:

Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 24th September 2022 on

Episode begins with Yuvan and Banni moving for the promotion video. Yuvan promotes himself as shaking star’s tenth challenger. At the point when somebody runs into Rohan the medication from his hands tumbles down and moves to Banni. Agastya goes to Banni and tosses a hanky on the medication.

Agastya takes the medication from the floor. Banni and Agastya talk for some time and he consents to help Yuvan in the wake of conversing with Banni. Banni calls Yuvan and tells Yuvan the uplifting news that Agastya will be your coach. Yuvan hearing this news feels thrilled and embraces Agastya.

Yuvan acclaims Agastya as in light of them he endured a ton regardless he is helping them. Agastya inquires as to whether he picked a melody for later. Yuvan says he didn’t. Agastya calls Priya and guides her. Agastya leaves the Rathod house. Yuvan acclaims Banni on how she persuaded Agastya to be his coach.

Subsequent to coming external Rohan shares with Agastya that they truly seem to be veritable individuals. Agastya tells Rohan “that they are feeling sorry after they realize that I am the child of the maker.” Agastya says he is drained and he simply needs to end this show.

Rohan says ‘Yuvan can not sing tomorrow and afterward everybody will realize that you were correct.” Rohan shares with Agastya that he reached the specialist and that’s what he said on the off chance that Yuvan doesn’t take these pills then he will be anxious. Rohan likewise says there will no danger to his life.

Rohan shares with Agastya that he is stressed over him. Agastya tells Rohan that needing to win is being frantic then I will be as you most likely are aware how much significant it is for me to demonstrate that I am correct. Agastya shares with Rohan that Yuvan is a decent vocalist yet he can never turn into a rockstar.

Banni and Charmi discuss Yuvan. Manini gets back to Rathod manor. Yuvan searches for his violin and he sees that it is on a bureau. Banni seeing Manini insults her. Yuvan gets up on a seat to get his violin which is on the bureau. Viraj is right behind the bureau and when Yuvan gets on the seat. Viraj pushes the bureau from the back. The bag and the violin falls on Yuvan. Yuvan yells for Banni. Banni hearing Yuvan’s voice goes to see him.

The specialist sees Yuvan and lets Banni know that he shouldn’t lift any weight with his harmed hand. The specialist recommends a pain reliever for Banni. Devraj and Viraj asks him how could he get injured his arm. Yuvan lets them know what occurred and how the bag fell in him. Banni gives him medication with milk. Manini advises Viraj to contact the shaking star group and let them know Yuvan won’t take an interest tomorrow. Yuvan hearing this apologizes to Banni. Banni consoles him.

Precap – Banni will call Agastya and let him know that Yuvan can not partake tomorrow. Agastya says he needs to meet Yuvan. Banni gives her place of residence. Agastya visits Banni’s home. Banni will carry Yuvan to meet Agastya. Agastya will share with Banni that tomorrow Yuvan needs to sing.

Also read: Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 23rd September 2022

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