Balika Vadhu 2 14th March 2022 Written Update

Balika Vadhu 2 14th March 2022 Written UpdateThe episode begins with Anandi crying continually and feeling broken. Anand is as yet holding up external her home. Diya who went with the person, gets stunned when more two young men participate and begin eve prodding her. They continue to contact her and makes her vibe feel off kilter. Diya inquires as to whether she can utilize washroom to spruce up. She rapidly calls Anand. Anand tells her not to overreact and send him the area. He promptly passes on to save Diya without illuminating Anandi. Anandi hears stride and opens entryway to check.

Anandi feels dumped seeing Anand gone. Yet again she misconstrues and thinks he left her wrecked. The three young men continue approaching all over Diya and prodding her. Anand comes in and pounds them gravely. He makes Diya wear his coat and brings her back home. Anand attempts to converse with Diya however she insults him and inquires as to whether he is feeling like a saint saving her. She lets him know he deserted Bhairavi and Diya during most horrendously awful days and leaves without paying attention to his clarifications appropriately. Anandi cries and says she feels desolate and misses her mom.

Anandi thinks why Anand left them for such a long time and made them go through all the agony and again he is doing likewise. She posts a feed on her page expressing about treacheries from nearest ones harms a ton. Both Anand and Jigar read it. Jigar considers what’s going on. Jigar’s companion asks him for what reason he looks a piece cheerful seeing Anandi’s post and assuming he is happy that there is inconvenience in their heaven. Jigar lets him know its nothing similar to that and he really needs just Anandi’s satisfaction. His companion tells that he used to think Jigar is just one in Anandi’s life.

Also read: Balika Vadhu 2 11th March 2022 Written Update

Jigar advises him to clear his errors. Jigar trusts Anand and Anandi can figure out with the goal that Anandi can grin once more. He would rather not give any desire to himself. Bhairavi comes to awaken Diya and finds her crying seriously. She asks her what occurred. Diya separates and tells how she feels regretful about her own way of life and needs to improve yet continues onward through same cycle over and over. Bhairavi consoles her and attempts to brighten her up. Diya tells that Anand wont excuse her as she has been exceptionally inconsiderate to him. She laments losing a dearest companion in type of Anand.

Bhairavi clarifies her that Anand is her child sibling and will bond back. Diya additionally asks Bhairavi mercy for talking discourteously to her. She tells her its fine and she is generally pleased with Diya. At office both Anand and Jigar trust that Anandi will come. Anandi tells Anand not to converse with her and goes directly to office. Jigar comes there with record. She doesn’t confront him and requests to keep it on table. The episode closes with Anandi in the long run separating and Jigar offers her cloth. He tells he is generally there to hear her yet Anandi tells she really wants time alone.

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