Episode begins with Anandi perusing Ratan’s letter. Ratan apologizes for finishing Anandi’s youngster marriage. Ratan composes… in the event that you’re not content with the kid marriage, then, at that point, you can break this youngster marriage lawfully, its your right. Anandi embraces the letter and cries.
Anand contends with Maadi baa. Anand says we can’t confide in you. Anandi returns home with the consumed letter. Everybody gets strained with the letter. Anandi says you had consumed it, you are figuring how could I get it. Maadi baa inquires as to for what reason will I consume this. Anandi says so I never know this, for what reason did you do this with me, for what reason did you conceal this thing from me. She tells that I can break this marriage assuming I need and choose about my marriage.
Sejal says you are mixed up. Anandi says you call me girl, you did a major unfairness with me, you realized I wasn’t prepared with this marriage, Jigar acts up with me, and, after its all said and done you grabbed my entitlement to choose, I guaranteed my mum that I will forever remain with you, you didn’t let me know that my mum reclaimed the guarantee.
Also read: Balika Vadhu 2 7th January 2022 Written Update
Maadi baa says marriage occurs for seven births. Anandi says marriage with such a spouse who seizes and torments me, how might I change him. Prem says I went to rescue him, he didn’t acknowledge the bail, he needs to meet you, he didn’t meet me, we fouled up, we won’t interfere with your choice, simply meet him once. She goes to the room and cries. Anand requests that she open the entryway. Vikrant requests that the man talk gradually. The man reprimands him and requests that he give the advance cash back.
Mehul comes. Vikrant gives up the cash and furthermore the precious stone neckband. He reviews Kiara taking the jewelry. The man leaves. Vikrant thinks its great everybody is focussed on Jigar and Anandi’s matter. Prem requests that Anand go to his room. He takes a stab at conversing with Anandi. She opens the entryway.
He asks her not to remain annoyed with him. He says don’t go to meet Jigar, I wished all the time to get a little girl and when you were conceived, I thought my desire got satisfied, I m with you in your choices, you’re in good company. He favors her and goes. Maadi baa asks how might you request that Anandi choose it. She says she can break the marriage. Prem says perhaps yes or possibly not, Prem is atoning, he will apologize to Anandi and get one more opportunity.
She says its great in the event that this occurs. They see Anandi coming in the suhaagan symbol. Anand comes. Anandi says I m going to Devgarh. He inquires as to why. Maadi baa says its great, you got a few detects, you will meet Jigar, right. Anand stops Anandi. She says its my battle, you can’t uphold me generally. Anandi comes to the police headquarters to meet Jigar.
Examiner requests that she sit. Anandi says I have come to meet Jigar. Auditor says we know it all. Anandi sees Jigar getting a charge out of in the police headquarters. She asks what’s this, how could he come out. Investigator says its great you have come here, else we would have come to capture you, you assaulted your better half, we have the evidence. Anandi asks what gibberish. Monitor shows the cctv film where Anand and Anandi beat Jigar. Jigar says its great I had the verification, else a man is respected off-base, its so disgraceful that my significant other was with an outsider at her folks’ home.
She says you crossed all cutoff points today, Prem and Sejal think you need to change, stop it. Jigar says you have gone excessively far, mum and father think I have hijacked you, presently your reality will come out. She says I won’t leave you. Jigar says she is doing this before you, you know the genuine guilty party. Anandi gets captured.
She cries. She says I will go, its my misstep, I came here to meet him, I ought to get rebuffed. He sees her in jail and grins. He says I might have sent police to prison, its enjoyable to call you here and see you in a correctional facility, don’t have a clue how might you go through a night here, a decent night in this prison, love you. She says implore that I don’t come out, else none can save you.
Precap :Anandi clears off the sindoor by pouring water on her head. She says I m not your significant other now, our connection is finished.