Anupama 16th November 2022 Written Update:

Anupama 16th November 2022 Written Update on

Adhik searches for Pakhi. Anuj tell to Adhik that Pakhi is with Anupama to fix her dress. Adhik sit tight for Pakhi. Pakhi demand Anupama not to make a stride against her. Anupama choose to show a thing or two to Pakhi. She disregards Pakhi’s solicitation. Shahs and Kapdias partake in the sangeet. Pakhi requests that Anupama not ruin the festival. Anuj sees Anupama.

Anupama ends the capability. Shahs and Kapdias stand stunned. Vanraj asks Anupama what she is up to.Anuj requests that the visitors leave as they need to examine a family matter. Pakhi tells to Vanraj that Anupama needs. Anupama proceeds with she needs to drop Pakhi’s wedding. Pakhi embraces Vanraj. Vanraj asks Anupama what is the issue. Anupama says from where she begins. She counts Pakhi’s slip-up. Anupama unveils Pakhi requested adornments that costs 60 Lakhs.

Barkha sneer seeing the show. Adhik checks Barkha out. Shahs and Kapadias stand shocked. Vanraj gets stunned hearing the cost. Anupama asks Vanraj he think about Pakhi as her princess yet she think of her as sovereign. She further apologize Anuj for Pakhi’s benefit. Anuj requests that Anupama not apologize for Pakhi’s benefit.

Anupama gets resolved to show a thing or two of Pakhi. She asks Pakhi for what good reason she is quiet rather she ought to yell on her. Pakhi stand sorrowful. Anupama says Pakhi guarantee she is desirous of her. She asks Pakhi what she accomplished in her life that others will get desirous of her.

Anupama find Vanraj appropriate for abandoning Pakhi. She says until Pakhi will continue to get a help, she won’t gain from her error. Anupama says guardians are never right by supporting their kids wrong deed.

Anupama add Guardians are constantly condemned when a youngster truly does any misstep. She says she gave great childhood to Pakhi, Samar and Paritosh yet she flopped as a mother. Kavya says Paritosh understood her mix-up yet Pakhi never do that. Devika says Pakhi ought to have esteem anything she has favored with.

Moreover, Anupama unveil Pakhi don’t for even a moment esteem Adhik. Shahs and Kapadias stand stunned when Anupama told that Pakhi has asserted she has hitched Anuj to become rich. Anupama feels pitty on Pakhi’s reasoning. Anuj lament supporting Pakhi. [Episode Ends]

Precap: Vanraj demand Anupama to not toss Pakhi out from the house. Anupama tells Vanraj that he can take her along. She further inquires as to whether anybody separated from Vanraj needs can take Pakhi along. Cart, Devika and Kinjal denies. Anupama requests that Pakhi take off from the house.

Also read: Anupama 15th November 2022 Written Update

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