Scene begins with Angad and Tejo meet Sharma uncle. Sharma embraces Angad. Tejo welcomes. Angad says I have gained some useful knowledge from Sharma uncle, he resembles my guide. Sharma says he is a pearl, you picked the best person as your significant other. Angad says we are recently locked in. Sharma says marriage will occur, is there some other arrangement. Angad says don’t feel terrible of uncle’s words, he is a God for youthful age,
he recognizes the perfect man. Sharma says I knew it, Angad is a precious stone, I recall another jewel, I met a person yesterday, I lost my handbag, that person came here from Gurdaspur to return my satchel, he looked annoyed with his life. FB shows Sharma saying you resemble a decent family. Fateh says here and there you need to end your personality. Sharma asks are you running from somebody.
Fateh says myself, my deeds. Sharma says I don’t think you really want to run, will you work for me, I want a steadfast and solid driver, you will get a decent compensation. Fateh says I work there as of now, they additionally trust me, I need to ask them. Sharma says fine, ask them. FB closes. Sharma says lets see he acknowledges offer or not. Angad says he ought to acknowledge, his life will change. Fateh comes there. Tejo glances around. Aaya tere dar standard… plays… Angad takes Tejo with him. Fateh comes in.
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Sharma comes to meet him and says welcome, do you acknowledge my deal. Fateh says OK. Angad asks is everything fine, isn’t the house great, generally OK. Sharma requests that the worker show the quarter to Fateh. He says take rest today, start the work tomorrow. Fateh says sure Sir. He goes. Tejo figures the reason why do I feel like Fateh is exceptionally near me.
Sharma says Angad loved somebody at long last, you will have something extraordinary that he preferred you, else he would really rather avoid anybody.
Angad says you said you observe a jewel in an individual, I can likewise distinguish a precious stone at this point. Sharma says my niece Nupur is getting ready for marriage, I don’t have any offspring of my own, you both come in her commitment, its an opportunity to know one another well, you are associated with our family now, everybody knows Angad, everybody will be happy gathering his woman love. Angad says done, we will reach there. Fateh washes the vehicle around evening time. Tejo comes in the overhang. Yes ajnabi… .plays… .
Her handkerchief flies down. He picks it and wipes his face. Angad comes to take her. Fateh feels her and goes to see. He thinks for what reason am I feeling her with me. He keeps the handkerchief. The water sprinkles all over. He takes off his coat and shirt. Angad says we will leave now. Sharma says you had two beverages, my new driver will drop you, I don’t recollect his name. He says where did Tanya go, her telephone isn’t reachable. Tanya returns home. She sees shirtless Fateh and thinks who is this cutie.
She proceeds to hold his back. He goes to her. She says amazing, decent body. He asks who are you. She says tell me, who are you, so running, pleasant body, you are cleaning the vehicle. She gazes at him. He says mam, kindly don’t contact me, talk from far. She says your body is so running, I need to contact you. She gets a call. She says OK child, I m coming. She drops her satchel and says kindly lift it, I m not permitted to twist. He picks her satchel and gives it to her. She holds his hand. He moves away.
She says I will see, how long will you get saved from me. She goes. He thinks who is she. Sharma says I was calling you. She says sorry, my companions weren’t allowing me to come from the party. Angad says hey aunt, how are you. Tanya says simply call me Tanya. He says meet my fiancee, Tejo. Sharma says she is my wonderful spouse, Tanya. Angad says I will drive, relax. Sharma says take the new driver along. Angad says trust me, I will arrive at home and call you. Angad and Tejo leave.
Tanya gets some information about Fateh. Sharma says he is the new driver, he is dependable. She asks will I take him tomorrow, I need to go for shopping. Sharma says do you really want to ask me for that, give me an embrace. She scowls. Angad and Tejo are coming. He inquires as to for what reason are you quiet. She says its intense to carry on like a glad couple, you concurred for the commitment, I don’t know anybody, I don’t have any great dress.
He snickers and requests that she relax. She says don’t have the foggiest idea how long do I have this phony life. He figures I would have made it genuine, yet I realize your heart beats for Fateh even today. Buzo converses with Fateh available to work. Fateh says this is my discipline. Simran comes. Buzo says talk nothing. He asks Simran how is everybody. Simran says Fateh killed we all, father is attempting to perk up everybody, he took them to the reasonable,
he got broken inside, I have seen him crying. Gurpreet sits in the yard and does aarti. Fateh sees her on the video call and cries. Simran says somebody requested that mum light a diya consistently, she said she will not have rice until she learns Fateh is fine in Canada, she lights the diya consistently and appeals to God for him, she is biting the dust to converse with him, however he failed to remember us. Buzo embraces her.
Gurpreet staggers. Fateh yells mummy. Simran asks whose voice was that, I thought Fateh called mummy. Buzo says no, he is in Canada. Fateh reviews Gurpreet and says she used to adore eating rice, she left rice for the good of I, I m so terrible. Tejo sees her dress and reviews Fateh. She says I can fail to remember nothing, I can’t fail to remember Fateh, don’t have a clue how is he, will be he fine or not. She cries. Fateh says I consider you and rest, I get harmony, fail to remember me Tejo.
Precap :Fateh gets a tremendous gift to Angad’s home. Tejo looks outside the window.