Udaariyaan Written Update 9th September 2022:

Udaariyaan Written Update 9th September 2022 on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Nehmat getting some information about her natural guardians. Tejo and Fateh become stunned. Nehmat says that Fateh and Tejo are her folks, however she needs to be familiar with her genuine guardians who left her.

Fateh tells Nehmat that Amrik uncle is her dad. Tejo says that her sister is her mother. Nehmat is glad to discover that her ongoing grandparents are her genuine grandparents. Nehmat asks who her mom is then, at that point. Tejo says that Nehmat had previously met her mom. Naaz’s mom, Jasmine, is her mom.

Nehmat inquires as to whether it implies Naaz is her sister. Fateh says OK, however Naaz doesn’t know about this until further notice. Tejo says that God satisfied Nehmat’s desire to have a sister and helps her to remember her fellowship holding with Naaz.

Nehmat says that Naaz can’t be her sister. She inquires as to why she isn’t living with Jasmine when Naaz is living with her. Nehmat further says that she got to know Naaz as Tejo helped her to impart things to her. Nehmat inquires as to why Jasmine conversed with her inconsiderately as opposed to cherishing her like Tejo in the event that she’s actually her organic mother.

Tejo says that Jasmine conversed with her discourteously as Nehmat is their girl and she believed that they could fly off the handle knowing this. Fateh says that Jasmine knows they love her a ton, and she would have rather not interfered with them.

Nehmat asks then for what good reason Jasmine didn’t tell her straightforwardly that she’s her mom and encouraged her to ask them. Fateh says that Nehmat will comprehend this in the wake of growing up and says that the truth of the matter is they love her without question and nobody can divide them. Fateh attempts to redirect Nehmat’s consideration by proposing having kulfi.

Nehmat says that she needs to meet Jasmine and to ask her for what reason she deserted her, why she doesn’t cherish her. Tejo and Fateh deny it. They say that Jasmine was defenseless. She gave her to them in light of the fact that, being a single parent, she couldn’t bring her up.

In the interim, Satti is communicating her mistake about Jasmine leaving Naaz like she deserted Nehmat. Rupy consoles Satti and says that they console Naaz and shouldn’t show their aggravation before Naaz. He adds that they shouldn’t allow Shelly to hurt Naaz with her phony concern. In the first part of the day, Fateh and Tejo go to Nehmat’s room and revere dozing Nehmat.

They choose never to tell Nehmat reality with regards to her genuine character. All of a sudden, Tejo accepts Rupy’s call. She emerges from the house to meet Rupy. She requests that he come inside. Rupy hands Tejo Jasmine’s letter. Then again, Naaz misses Jasmine and gets some information about Jasmine. She requests that Rupy call Jasmine. Satti persuades Naaz that Jasmine will come and asks her to new up to eat.

Tejo peruses Jasmine’s letter and asks everything the requirement for Jasmine to say to this reality to Rupy. She enlightens Rupy regarding Nehmat’s genuine dad, who is a lawbreaker, and says that Nehmat ought to never know this reality. Rupy concurs with her. All of a sudden, Fateh shows up there.

Tejo tells Rupy that Fateh knows about Nehmat’s reality and comes clean with Fateh that Rupy knows, so she informed him concerning Nehmat’s genuine father. Fateh, Tejo and Rupy make vow that they won’t ever tell this reality to Nehmat.

Nehmat is conversing with her doll and asks why Jasmine deserted her when she kept Naaz with her. Not entirely settled to meet Jasmine and to inquire as to why she left her. She cries embracing her doll. Tejo and Fateh see this. They can’t see Nehmat in agony and can’t help thinking about what to do. All of a sudden, Satti telephones Tejo. Tejo puts the approach the speaker.

Satti says that Naaz is yearning to see Nehmat. Tejo says that Nehmat additionally needs to see Jasmine. Fateh recommends taking Nehmat to Sandhus with the goal that Nehmat and Naaz meet, talk and play. Tejo doesn’t know that it’s smart, as she appears to be distraught to discover that Naaz is her sister. Fateh says that they should rest assured about this when Nehmat and Naaz meet.

Fateh and Tejo take Nehmat to the Sandhus. The family is glad to see Nehmat. Naaz comes rushing to Nehmat and cheerfully embraces her. She communicates her delight at meeting Nehmat and says that they are sisters as Nehmat’s mother is her auntie. Naaz recommends proceeding to play in Jasmine’s room. However, Nehmat doesn’t move. Fateh and Tejo persuade Nehmat to play with Naaz.

Nehmat asks Naaz where her mother is. Naaz says that she has gone out for some work. She further says that the two of them can’t remain without one another. Nehmat imagines that Jasmine deserted her as Naaz is her #1 little girl. Naaz tells the amount Jasmine loves and care her. She wishes that she returns soon and says that she misses her a ton. Nehmat says that she needs to return home.

Naaz demands her to remain for some additional time. She says that she can comprehend that Mallika is her dearest companion, however they are sisters, so their holding is more grounded than dearest companion holding. In the interim, Tejo reprimands Shelly when she remarks about Nehmat and Naaz being sisters and asks her not to tell that to Naaz as she doesn’t know about that. Fateh communicates his stress over Jasmine’s takeoff to Naaz and Nehmat.

Also read: Udaariyaan Written Update 8th September 2022

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