Udaariyaan 8th June 2022 Written Update:

Udaariyaan 8th June 2022 Written Update and upcoming twist in udaariyaan on serialtalk.com

The episode begins with Jasmine requesting that Gurpreet keep Amrit’s things securely as she has nothing connected with Amrit. Gurpreet advises her that she has Amrik’s kid and demands her to not cut short her kid. That’s what jasmine says assuming Fateh truly focuses on this youngster, he will consent to wed her without anyone else. Fateh begins thinking on hearing this. Jasmine is happy that her theatrics is affecting Fateh.

At the ashram Tanya meets her mom and attempts to take care of food to her. Tanya’s mom doesn’t perceive Tanya and feels that she’s another overseer. Tanya tells her that her little girl name is Tanya. She will not really accept that that she has a girl as all things considered she won’t let her visit here. Tanya figures as a primary concern that she will before long take her from here. She requests water. Tanya goes to get it. Tejo is concealing there and requests that Tanya give her some water. She tells Tanya to give it without seeing her else she will get found out. Tanya obliges. Tejo returns the glass in the wake of drinking the water. She expresses her to leave. Tanya leaves.

Tanya returns to her mom taking water and thinks that she is sleeping. Tanya sees her mom genuinely prior to leaving. Tejo embraces Tanya from behind and says thanks to her for aiding her. Her one stud stalls out in Tanya’s dupatta. The last option pivots and sees Tejo running. Opposite side Fateh is thinking about how he can wed Jasmine. The last option telephones Tanya and trains her to call Fateh and tell him as she’s maxim. Tanya concurs.

The overseer asks Tejo where her one stud. She takes her to give her new one. At the Virks house Gurpreet says that she will keep Amrik’s things securely and will give his youngster them. She trusts that Fateh will consent to wed Jasmine. Fateh watches this. Tanya calls Fateh and says that Jasmine has gone to the medical clinic and she might cut short her kid. Mahi sees Fateh going in hustle. She stops him and asks what the matter is. Fateh says that Jasmine has gone to the clinic and shares with not tell this make a difference to anybody in the family. He drives off.

Fateh arrives at the medical clinic and comes into the specialist’s lodge. Fateh says that he needs to converse with Jasmine. Specialist leaves. Ignorant about Jasmine’s arrangement, Fateh attempts to prevent Jasmine from cutting short her youngster, yet to no end. Jasmine stays in firm trusting that Fateh will stop her.

Fateh says that he can’t meddle in her choice, however he can’t give what she needs. Jasmine blows up. She requests that specialist take her to OT. She demands specialist to let hear to her youngster’s pulse once and for all before that. Specialist asks what is the need when she needs to cut short it. Jasmine says that she’s cutting short not by wish but rather feeling defenseless. At the Virks, Gurpreet becomes more acquainted with that Jasmine went to the medical clinic and gets determined to go there. Family stops her.

Fateh cries recollecting Gurpreet and Jasmine’s words. He hears the child’s heart beats. In the ashram Tejo is telling about Fateh. Kamal embraces her platitude that she resembles her sister. Tejo responds furiously and says that sister is terrible. Here Jasmine converses with her child and apologizes for going to cut short her. There Tejo causes a situation. She yells that sister is awful. Overseer attempts to quiet Tejo down. Tanya sees this from far, yet she can’t see Tejo’s face. Here Jasmine shares with the specialist to take to the OT.

Fateh looks on hearing recalling Jasmine, Amrik and Gurpreet’s words. He stops the specialist and tells Jasmine that he needs to converse with her. He takes Jasmine from that point. Jasmine expresses Fateh to leave her. She says that she settled on her choice and won’t change it. Fateh says that he consents to wed her assuming it’s the best way to save her youngster. Jasmine says that it’s lifetime responsibility, she will not be alive assuming he leaves her kid in the center and requests that he think and choose. Fateh says that this is his official conclusion and vows to give all that her youngster needs.

Precap: Fateh shares with Jasmine that they need to enlighten family concerning Tanya. Opposite side Tanya gets paralyzed on seeing Tejo.

Also read: Udaariyaan 7th June 2022 Written Update

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