Udaariyaan 14th April 2022 Written Update:

Udaariyaan 14th April 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

The episode begins with Fateh leaving the medical clinic recollecting his minutes with Tejo. Jasmine sees this. Rupy expresses gratitude toward Angad for consenting to wed Tejo regardless of knowing it all and saved his family’s standing. Angad says that he needs additionally Tejo’s bliss. Rupy wishes the wedding to happen at the earliest opportunity. Angad guarantees Rupy that he will occur in two days. Tejo leaves from that point. Jasmine pursues Tejo.

Jasmine inquires as to whether she gone distraught to forfeit her adoration for Rupy. Tejo says that she doesn’t need the affection which hurt her and her loved ones. She further says that Rupy had a brush with death in light of the fact that Fateh. She says that they can never join together. Fateh cries remaining external the clinic. Tejo runs from that point. She cries recollecting Fateh’s words. Jasmine comes to Fateh and says that he destroyed everything. She says that she saw he is having that pen drive. Fateh says that hasn’t made it happen, however he has no evidence to demonstrate it. He swears on God that he hasn’t gotten it done.

Jasmine asks then who else can get it done. Jasmine and Fateh together say Angad. Jasmine says that main Angad can’t be content with their get-together. Fateh sees Angad and recollects Angad consenting to wed Tejo. Fateh goes to Angad and beats him. He blames Angad for plotting to isolate him and Tejo. Angad declines the charge. He says that any obvious darling won’t ever stigmatize his woman love and he says that he consented to wed Tejo for the wellbeing of Rupy. Angad denounces Jasmine. The last option inquires as to why she will attempt to join them to isolate them.

Angad says that he additionally need something very similar, yet it will not occur in light of the fact that they need it. Fateh gets confounded who is answerable for his and Tejo’s partition. Fateh shares with Angad to not get glad to wed Tejo. He says that he will wed Tejo and nobody can isolate them. He starts to leave. Jasmine gets down on Fateh. The last option tells Jasmine that he has no faith in her and says that Buzzo told about minister forecast that their association will cause anybody’s passing. He cautions Jasmine to not play any game and leaves.

Rupy shares with Tejo that he got well quick as she consented to wed Angad. He further says that Angad made all courses of action for the wedding, it will happen following two days. He inquires as to whether she’s blissful. Tejo gestures yes. Jasmine sees this and leaves. Rupy says that he can see the secret aggravation behind her grin. He says that Tejo wouldn’t wed whom she doesn’t cherish and she doesn’t adore Angad. Tejo says that her sentiments changed alongside the conditions. Rupy says that he took this choice with weighty heart so she doesn’t get injured from now on. Tejo tells Rupy that she’s cheerful and shares with not feel regretful. Angad shows up there and hears this. Tejo feels lightheaded. Satti says that Tejo hasn’t had food from earlier day. Angad says that he will take care of her.

Angad requests that Tejo have natural products. Angad says that he doesn’t feel that Fateh can do this. Tejo responds irately and demands him to not discuss it. Angad demands Tejo to not acknowledge this marriage because of any tension or responsibility, as she might think twice about it last. Angad recommends faking their marriage like they faked their commitment last time. He says that he would rather not divide Fateh and Tejo. He says that he realizes Tejo loves Fateh. Tejo concedes that she cherishes Fateh. She says that she would rather not hoodwink her friends and family for Fateh who has no faith in her. She says that this time the marriage will occur and it will be genuine. She demands him to abandon her for some time.

Jasmine shares with Angad that she is watching out for him this time. Angad says that he generally as en eye on Jasmine. He says that Jasmine would have attempted to join Tejo and Fateh assuming she truly care, however she is simply imagining. She should be glad that Fateh and Tejo got isolated and they’re miserable. Presently shw will leave with Fateh under same rooftop, she can without much of a stretch snare Fateh in her adoration. Jasmine says that she doesn’t have to imagine. She says that Angad released the video and says to demonstrate it before the wedding. Angad welcomes Jasmine to the mehndi work. Satti slaps Jasmine and chastens her for disprecting Rupy’s choice. Jasmine remembers to get payback from Angad for this as well.

Fateh returns home. Buzzo brings a man. Fateh beats him and asks who changed the pen drive prior to playing it. That man says that Fateh put the pen drive in the PC. Fateh recollects a man gave him that pen drive. Fateh shares with Kushbeer to allow him 24 hours to track down reality.

Also read: Udaariyaan 13th April 2022 Written Update

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