Thapki Pyar Ki 2 11th December 2021 Written Story:

The scene begins with Veena, Purab and others comes to inn and see Thapki and Anshul are holding Sargam. Thapki gets stunned. Veena slaps Anshul and asks what’s going on. Purab requests that his Mom realize what occurred prior to responding and he goes to his sister. Sapna asks Thapki what occurred. Thapki about say something yet Veena stops her and requests that everybody return to home. Veena and Purab makes Sargam rest in the bed than they comes to corridor. Hansika figures Thapki will tossed out from Purab house.

Veena requests that Thapki and Anshul answer what they are doing at inn with Sargam and she cautions to prison him assuming he did any mix-up. Sapna to denounce him than Purab stops them and requests that Thapki determine what occurred. Thapki says Sargam is absent from her room when I went to bring her than I got call from Anshul that Sargam was at lodging. Purab inquires as to why she left alone. Thapki says she informed to him than Purab says he didn’t receive any message. Hansika requests that Thapki show message in her versatile.

Thapki looks for it however she didn’t get. Hansika reviews how she erased message from Thapki telephone. Priyanka says Thapki didn’t illuminated her. Sapna says Thapki and Anshul planed against Sargam. Purab requests that they not blame. Veena inquires as to whether he actually trusts Thapki. Purab says he will not choose until he hears Thapki side form than he asks Thapki for what valid reason she let him know that she didn’t know about Sargam place.

Also read: Thapki Pyar Ki 2 10th December 2021 Written Story:

Thapki says I didt know it that time than Anshul informed me. Anshul lets them know he takes Sargam to lodging as anybody would perceive her at bistro. Sapna says she feels they are lying. Hansika asks how Sargam came to inn. She inquires as to whether Sargam let you know anything.

Thapki says whatever the matter is, will be talked infront of Sargam and not behind her. Veena Devi says this young lady is obviously false through and through and says tosses her out the present moment. She is going to toss her. Purab holds her hand and says she isn’t the old stuff to toss out and she is my better half and we should stand by to hear Sargam side story until we take any choice and he requests that Anshul stay.

Thapki says thanks to Purab for allowing her opportunity to recount her side story. Purab says everybody merits charge possibility and assuming Anshul view entirelyliable than I will rebuff him. Thapki concurs and goes to Anshul. Anshul inquires as to why she didn’t educated them about Rohit. Thapki says it’s bad to break her trust so how about we stand by as she will uncover it without help from anyone else.

Rohit illuminates to Hansika that Sargam may saw him blending pill. Hansika feels strained. Sargam gains cognizant and requests water. Purab illuminates Thapki that Sargam acquired her cognizant. Everybody gathers in Sargam room amd requests that she let them know what occurred. Sargam reviews Rohit blending pill however she lies saying Anshul blended something in her beverage.

Everybody gets stunned. Hansika feels glad. Sargam says I fell oblivious subsequent to drinking it and thsn don’t have the foggiest idea how it occurred. Anshul requests that she come clean. Sargam yells to stop him and tells her relatives that Anshul was constraining her to do companionship with him and I denied his solicitation that is the reason he did it to affront me infront of everybody. Anshul says he have onlooker to demonstrate his guiltlessness.

Dadi requests that he call his companion. Thapki signs alright. Later Anshul associate shows up to Veena’s place. Thapki requests that he determine what occurred at inn. His companion deceives everybody that Anshul is justification for Sargam oblivious state.

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