Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 15th December 2021 Written Story:

Krisha comes in heels. Devraj holds her. She pushes him. Krisha says is adequately this? He says it’s falling not walk. Maya was exceptionally sure with each progression. You’re in nursery class of Maya graduation. He puts a book on her head. He says center around book not heels and walk.

Krisha falls and says I can’t. He says in the event that you center you can. How about we stay once more. Krisha removes the heels and tosses them. Devraj makes her wear the heels once more. He says regal DIL is certain. Utilize this trust in strolling. We should attempt once more. Krisha strolls once more. Devraj holds her everytime she falls. He says examine front and walk. Krisha strolls. Devraj says continue to rehearse. He leaves.

Kriah comes to the changing area and cries. She tosses the heels. Krisha says I can’t do this. I need to keep my family protected however need to leave this spot as well. Krisha stands up and says I will track down an exit plan. I won’t surrender. Krisha comes to her room and rests. Krisha says my adoration’s establishment depended on lies. She sobs late into the night.

Devraj checks out Krisha. Krisha can’t rest. She says I need to discover the method for leaving. How would it be advisable for me to respond? Krisha examines the cabinet. She attempts to remove the sleeve in her grasp. Devraj comes. He gives her a pincers and says attempt with this. It will cut your inner self without a doubt. Time for task no. 2. She expresses what? He says to be maya.

Ugra says to Raghav do everything according to the arrangement. He says would you say you are certain mother? She says OK I am. I got offended for my mother’s neckband. This arrangement is dangerous so I am confiding in you as it were. Krisha loves her folks. I will send her to her folks and she won’t ever returned. Raghav says then I am leaving for Udarpur. rati hears. She says you are going to Udaypur? He says OK for inn work. Naina says don’t tell everybody. Ugra says she implies, there’s some issue in the inn. Raghav is dealing with it. Krisha and Devraj are now stressed. Shouldn’t give them more inconveniences. So Ragha will deal with it.

Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na 14th December 2021 Written Story:

Devraj shows the garments to Krisha. He says start from here. Krisha says is there something different as well? He expresses your meaning could be a little more obvious. Krisha says how might an individual change to such an extent? Is there something else that you’re stowing away as well? He says you’re living in your fantasies once more? You feel like somebody is compelling me to do this? Or on the other hand is there an explanation? No. I’m doing this for myself. This is genuine Devraj Singh Rathore. I brought you here to make you like Maya and I will do that. These are Maya’s garments. You’ve to wear them from today.

Krisha says would you say you are insane? You showed me her recordings? Assuming I walk, wear and talk like her I can become Maya? He says do what I say. Krisha says on the off chance that I do all that like her will you adore me? No right?? Since you love a spirit. Your heart will forever let you know I am not Maya. There’s something you’re stowing away. He says enough. Disregard my old recollections like an untruth. I carried you here for a mission to make you Maya. Do as I say. He leaves. Krisha takes a gander at the garments.

Vishwanath says to Yash I am truly stressed since I came from Ambikapur. They’re at the sanctuary. Raghav comes there. A man requests that Yash leave his vehicle at the perfect place. Yash goes to check. Raghav follows them.

Krisha takes her telephone. she says would it be a good idea for me to call Yash? I can’t cause them problems. Imagine a scenario where I request a thought without telling him. He knows a ton of stories. Devraj thumps on the entryway and says for what reason would you say you are taking such a long time? Krisha says cleaning up. Yash goes to actually take a look at his telephone. Krisha calls him however he telephone is far off.

Raghav sees Vishwanatha solitary close to the steps. He pushes him. Vishwanath falls first floor. Yash races to him. Krisha says for what reason would he say he is not picking my call? The telephone gets picked. Krisha hears Yash shouting dad.. He says dad would you say you are alright? Krisha says is everybody alright? Yash shouts for help. Devraj comes inside the washroom. Krisha’s telephone falls in the tub.

Vishwanath’s head drains. Devraj says you are not doing what I inquired. Krisha says Yash was shouting. He was taking daddy’s name. Devraj expresses what next? She says I was unable to hear. She picks her telephone. Devraj breaks his telephone. He says do as I say. Wear Maya’s garments. Krisha says for what reason did you break my telephone?

He says wear the garments at the present time. Krisha says at the present time? He says I will remain here. Change. Krisha says I won’t change before you. He takes no notice. Devraj says I gave you a possibility you lost it. Krisha says I won’t wear these garments. He expresses what might you wear then, at that point? Krisha says my garments. Devraj brings her garments and consumes them. Krisha expresses what’s happening with you. He says consume Krisha inside you the same way. Will you wear Maya’s garments now or would it be advisable for me to make you wear?

Precap :Krisha says how would I converse with Yash? She comes to the lobby and calls from landline. Raghav takes out his firearm. He says time to make an outrageous move. Devraj gets back home. Raghav shoots Devraj. Krisha comes before him. Raghav shoots her.

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