Tera Mera Saath Rahe 14th March 2022 Written Update:

Tera Mera Saath Rahe 14th March 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Keshav lets Ramila know that they brought the cash yet they don’t know Subhadra is following them. Ramila tells via call its not her issue to worry about and presently she needs three lakhs. Keshav gets stunned yet before he could answer Mithila grabs the portable from his hand and tells the blackmailer over the call that they won’t give her a solitary penny. Ramila tells that she won’t succumb to him since he changed his voice and imagining as another person. Mithila tells its Mithila just and they wont give her any cash. Ramila gets stunned yet lets Mithila know that now she learnt she is likewise associated with this connivance so she need four lakhs. Mithila tells the blackmailer (Ramila) she wont give her cash and requests that she do anything she desires.

Ramila undermines and cuts the call. Mithila admonishes Keshav and Minal for making such strides without illuminating her. She additionally becomes annoyed with Minal for not informing her regarding this previously. Minal says that they all are now stressed over Priya’s activities so she dont need her to stretch more. Mithila tells that they are family regardless they will show up for one another.

She then, at that point, tells now they discovered that the blackmailer is a ladies so its little simple to observe what its identity is. Minal tells Mithila that Subhadra saw the blackmailer however she is saying she dont recollect that anything. Mithila says that she has a thought and grins. Gopika orchestrates the eating table and stresses that she didnt start her investigations yet for the board tests in the event that this proceeds, she will fall flat. She then, at that point, goes to God. Priya comes there and tells that she wishes her not to get anything she is asking to God now. She then, at that point, asks breakfast however Gopika answers her that she is an outcast so she needs to cook for her and heads inside.

Priya taunts her by asking her family name. Saksham comes there and tells that Priya won’t share his name as her last name any longer. Priya jokes is he going to change his name. Saksham says no and tells that they will get separation and calls his legal advisor. His legal advisor goes into the house. Priya asks Saksham the legal advisor is genuine one directly in a taunting manner. Saksham requests that Gopika call all the relatives to parlor. Gopika gestures alright and leaves the spot.

Mithila goes to Subhadra and requests that she assist them with observing the blackmailer saying they really must realize who she is so they can ready to save their family from that blackmailer. She requests that Subhadra require some investment and sketch the blackmailers face. She further says them as well as Gopika’s life is in harm’s way so requests that she help them. Minal reminds Subhadra that the blackmailer had weapon in her grasp so its simple for her to hurt anybody so requests that she help them. Gopika goes into the room and asks why they are here to Mithila and Minal.

She then, at that point, tells that Saksham calling them to ground floor. Mithila requests that she go and they will come..Gopika concurs and leaves the spot. Mithila grins at Subhadra and requests that she help them by drawing the blackmailers face and leaves the room. In the front room the legal advisor lets Priya know that she wedded Saksham by double-crossing him likewise she attempted to kill his relatives so he recorded a case on the court. Inorder to dispose of that multitude of charges she really wants to sign the legal documents and takes the record. Priya ridicules and asks is the legal advisor is a genuine one. Then, at that point, she tells that even she has legal advisor and she can likewise document a case on Saksham.

Saksham moves her to make it happen. Priya asks the attorney inorder to get the separation soon both the gatherings needed to concurred and sign the legal documents that is the manner by which Saksham and Gopika additionally got separate however imagine a scenario where one individual disagrees and dont sign the legal documents then it will haul for quite a while and its all that anyone could need for her to change the game and get what she needs. Mithila lets Priya know that time can see the response that who wins. Priya leaves the put happily. Mithila requests that the relatives not to stress saying that they can confront Priya together. They all gestures OK.

Also read: Tera Mera Saath Rahe 11th March 2022 Written Update

Gopika in her room believes that she wants to give this gift to Saksham and chooses to leave yet Saksham goes into the room with an envelope in his grasp and catchs Gopika. The two of them conceal what they have in their grasp. Saksham asks Gopika where she is going to which the last option tells that she needs to see him that is the reason she choose to go to his room. Saksham grins and tells even he needs to see her that is the reason came here. Gopika asks the explanation however Saksham requests that she let him know first. Gopika obliges and shows him the present she purchased for him. Saksham requests that she make him wear it. Gopika helps him. Saksham gets heartfelt with Gopika.

He then, at that point, denounces Gopika’s eyes for causing him to fail to remember everything. He then, at that point, advises her that he needs to give her something. He bows down and give the envelope to Gopika and the last option opens it and gets cheerful seeing the board tests concede card. She embraces Saksham and guarantees him that she will try sincerely and breeze through the tests. She further lets Saksham know that this is the best gift of all time. Priya hears their discussion and tells that she will ensure Gopika falls flat in her tests likewise in her life. Mithila appeals to God and shows the concede card and requests that God shower his favors on Gopika. Saksham looks for Gopika.

Mithila and Saksham believes that Priya needs to accomplish something with Gopika’s unexpected vanishing. Opposite side Ramila gets vexed that Mithila demolished her arrangement and thinks how she discover that what their best course of action and acknowledges about the secret receiver she put it on Subhadra’s room so she puts the headset on to hear what’s going on. Keshav and Minal goes into the room. Keshav lets Minal know that they need to see whose face Subhadra portrayed. Ramila gets stunned and reviles both Subhadra and Gopika for their ability and stresses. Minal takes the sketch in her grasp and gets stunned. Mithila Saksham and Ashi goes into Priya’s room. They ties Priya’s hand and requests that she tell where Gopika is. Priya says that she doesn’t have any idea. Mithila cautions her.

Chirag comes there and takes them with him to show where Gopika is. They all observe her inside the cabinet in a store room. They asks her the explanation additionally requests that she emerge from it. After such a lot of influence Gopika comes out and shares her stresses over her tests likewise the way that she is terrified. Mithila appeases her by saying they will be there to help her. Saksham recommends that they should make reading up as a good time for Gopika which drives Chirag to joke at him. Mithila Ashi and Chirag leaves the room giggling. Gopika looks on.

Precap: Gopika is in an establishment where Priya is presented as their new guide stunning Gopika. Priya ponders internally that she will ensure Gopika leaves her investigations for what she will do. She then, at that point, poses Gopika an inquiry and taunts at her for answering incorrectly which drives other to giggle.

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