Tera Mera Saath Rahe 14th December 2021 Written Story:

Gopika does jagrata with everybody. Nikhila asks where is Saksham? Gopika says he probably nodded off. He was drained. Nikhila says bring him. Gopika searches for Saksham. He’s not there. There’s a faker all things considered. Gopika says where is Saksham?

Saksham becomes inebriated. Priya says we should go have some good times. aashi sees the faker as well. She says I really want to tell Nikhila.

Priya says I miss school days. He says OK we used to have some good times. they rememeber individuals they used to battle with and yell. Saksham snickers with Priya. She says you should consistently let out what’s in your heart. Take everything out whoever it’s about. Family, life, spouse. She says say it Saksham. Would you like to be liberated from this marriage? Gopika continues to call Saksham. Aashi comes to Nikhila and tells her Saksham isn’t there.

Scene 2
Gopika comes out searching for Saksham. Nikhila and Aashi come out as well. Priya says Saksham she’s your significant other however I am your companion as well. Saksham sees her call. He expresses imagine a scenario in which something’s off-base. Nikhila asks Gopika is everything alright? She says OK. Nikhila says for what reason is Saksham not moving then, at that point? You saw this faker excessively right?

Priya takes Saksham’s telephones. Nikhila shows the faker to everybody. Saksham hears everything available to come in to work. He cleans up. He says maa will be so frantic. Priya says they will kill me assuming that they discover I made you drink. Everybody asks where is Saksham?

Tera Mera Saath Rahe 13th December 2021 Written Story:

Saksham comes in and says I am here. Nikhila says for what reason would you say you were not there? Saksham says customer called. I needed to take it. Minal says you could tell. He says everybody was occupied. It was party, I went to US to shower. Chiragh expresses what? What are you saying? Mr Modi says would you say you are in faculties? What joke is this? Nikhila says check out me Saksham. what are you saying? Gopika says he should be drained. Nikhila says would you say you are alright? He runs higher up. Aashi says Gopika is lying. Nikhila says she just saved her significant other. Try not to let us know who’s correct or wrong.

Scene 3
Gopika searches for Saksham. He’s not in the room. Priya tosses the faker. She says to Saksham currently unwind. I realize you had some good times. I can see it. He says you’re an excess of fun. You were consistently this way. Much thanks to you. Much thanks to you for returning to my life. Priya grins. She embraces him. Saksham embraces her and says I am happy you’re my closest companion. Gopika sees them.

Scene 4
Gopika comes to Priya’s room the following morning. She says I need to converse with you at this moment. Priya says I am dozing. Gopika says I need talk at this moment. Get up. Baa calls Gopika. She leaves. Priya expresses what did she need to discuss? She understands letter, I know what’s among you and Saksham. Your game is finished. Nobody can save you now.

Priya says who composed this letter? Can’t be Gopika. She can’t compose. Saksham gets up with a headache. He reviews the previous evening. Gopika brings his morning meal. Gopika says I need to discuss the previous evening. He says I can comprehend. It was excessively. I don’t want to discuss it. Allow me to get new.

Precap :Saksham cooks with Gopika. She cleans his face. Gopika says I trust we continue to make our relationship solid.

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