Swaran Ghar 20th May 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
The present episode begins with Swaran hitting the dance floor with Kanwaljeet’s fabric while reviewing their minutes. She cries while moving. Ajit comes there and sees Swaran in that state. Ajit thinks about how he will wish birthday to Swaran in this condition. Swaran sees the time and tells that Kanwaljeet use to wish her at spot 12 am consistently. Swaran says that she is missing Kanwaljeet yet she will remain glad for him. Ajit says that he will observe Swaran’s birthday like consistently.
Ajit and Swaran’s little girls cheerfully plans for Swaran’s Birthday. Ajit prepares cake for Swaran. Nakul lets Yug know that he contemplates whether anybody wished Swaran or not. Ajit enlivens the cake. Vikram comes there, Nakul reminds Vikram about Swaran’s Birthday. Swaran envisions Nakul, Vikram and Yug wishing and commending her birthday. Swaran wakes up and sees her little girls instead of her children and gets stunned. Swaran cuts the cake with mournful eyes. Her little girls feed her the cake, she likewise takes care of her little girls. Swaran inquires as to whether Ajit has made the cake. Ajit holds up external Swaran’s room and hear the discussion. Ajit contemplates wishing Swaran and neglects to recognize her in the room.
Swaran’s little girls asks Ajit what to do straightaway. Ajit enquires about Sharvari and discovers that she is out of city. Ajit says that he is ignorant regarding what Kanwaljeet use to do on Swaran’s Birthday. Ajit takes Mickey with him and goes outside Swaran Ghar. Ajit calls Yug and inquires as to whether he recollects Swaran’s birthday. Mickey says it’s the principal birthday of Swaran without Kanwaljeet. Ajit tells Yug that Kanwaljeet made Ajit guarantee that he will constantly safeguard Swaran and keep her blissful so he will observe Swaran’s birthday same way Kanwaljeet use to celebrate. Ajit inquires as to whether he will assist them with making Swaran’s birthday extraordinary.
Yug inquires as to why he ought to help Ajit. Ajit says that anything Yug will do it will be for Swaran and Kanwaljeet. Yug says that he will help them just for her mom as he adores his mom a great deal. Yug leaves. Jai attempts to persuade Ankita to get Ajit’s calls. Divya reviews how she overlooked Ajit’s voice messages. Divya lets Jai know that she has arranged kheer for Ajit and she is wanting to express sorry to Ajit. Divya cuts the call. Jai illuminates Ankita about the equivalent. Ankita acclaims Divya for failing to remember all that and continuing on. Jai says that he realizes Divya well, she doesn’t get persuaded do without any problem. Jai tells that Divya should design something.
Mickey gets some information about calling Nakul at the birthday festivity. Ajit says that not at all like his siblings Nakul is difficult to comprehend and he can’t confide in him. Neelu wishes Swaran birthday and illuminates her that she has made dalgona espresso and french toast for her. Ajit attempts to wish Swaran however leaves subsequent to getting a call. Swaran says that now onwards she will give one rose to Kanwaljeet everyday and she will keep up with this propensity till her final gasp.
Swaran says that today she will give the primary portion of the neckband which she kept sold. Swaran’s girls blindfolds Swaran and takes her outside. Swaran sees that Ajit has brought dance troops to celebrate. Vikram gets bothered seeing the scene. The soldiers wishes Swaran and causes her to sit on a major seat. Swaran appreciates. Ajit believes that she can do anything for Swaran.
Yug advises Ajit that he will come to wish Swaran. Vikram gets irate in the wake of spotting Yug with Ajit. Vikram says that Ajit is playing separation and rule with them by agreeing with Yug in his stance. Kiran requests that Vikram accomplish something as quickly as time permits. Swaran asks Neelu who did every one of these. Neelu says that it’s Ajit. Kanwaljeet’s pattern is brought.
Vikram says that he will show the photo in the party. He won’t let Nakul and Yug to join Ajit’s group as he won’t allow Ajit to observe Swaran’s Birthday. Divya comes there with Tiffin box and inclines that Ajit has done game plans for Swaran’s birthday. Divya yells Swaran’s name and tosses the Tiffin box. Divya calls Swaran theif and says that she can’t separate Ajit from her.
Also read: Swaran Ghar 19th May 2022 Written Update