Sirf Tum 20th May 2022 Written Update:

Sirf Tum 20th May 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Vikrant saying Asha and Suhani can remain here. Mamta asks him how might he permit Asha to remain here? Vikrant says he doesnt need to hurt Ranveer for little reasons likewise he guaranteed him to allow Asha and Suhani to remain here for a considerable length of time. He won’t break his guarantee. Dadu asks what was Ansh’s shortcoming that Ranveer tossed him out. Suhani uncovers that Ansh again seized her and was taking her to an obscure put however fortunately Ranveer saved her on time. Mamta lashes out at Asha and says for how long she and her child will acquire inconvenience their lives , Asha raises her voice saying Ansh is Suhani’s significant other and he has the privilege to go anyplace with her. Noone ought to meddle among a couple. Ranveer leaned toward her along these lines she would rather not stretch the matter however truth is Ansh and Suhani are hitched.

Vikrant prevents Ranveer from responding and Mamta says she is lawful spouse of Vikrant and she believes that Asha should take off from the house immediately. She attempts to toss her out yet Ranveer holds Asha. Mamta questions him how might he conflict with his mom for this modest woman. She slaps Ranveer and he says she has the privilege to beat him yet he is doing the exact thing she educated him. She just let him know that Suhani and Asha can remain here for quite a long time. Why she failed to remember that. He adds he can never affront his mom. A messenger fellow accompanies a bundle and gives a bouquet to Suhani. Suhani expresses it’s for Mamta from Ranveer. Ranveer wishes cheerful mother’s day to Mamta however the last option discards the bouquet and leaves. Her feet gets injured and she says this will recuperate yet the torment that is inside will not disappear without any problem. Ranveer cautions Asha that she shouldn’t yell at Mamta from sometime later, else he will fail to remember his guarantee he made to her.

Vikrant meets Shashi and embraces him. He says Ranveer is in his control and soon Riya will enter his life and Suhani will exit. Ranveer will comply with his dad. Asha calls Ansh and asks him where is he now. Ansh says he is arranging something important and soon Vikrant will wed her and will give his properties to them. Their relationship will become genuine and he will ensure that he turns into Vikrant’s legitimate child. He recommends Asha to involve Ranveer’s feelings for her advantage as he will not foul up to her. He says till then he will execute his arrangement by avoiding Oberoi Mansion. Asha gets befuddled.

Ansh goes to Suhani’s home and Dadi requests that he leave. He advises her to quiet down saying she is as of now old and shouldn’t accept pressure. He says he is only stressed for their standing as Suhani is remaining in Ranveer’s home without her better half. Individuals will blather about her and will embarrass her family as well. In the event that Rakesh discovers that, how might he respond. Sudha demands him not to tell that to Rakesh. Ansh says they ought to deal with the matter and caution Suhani before Rakesh becomes more acquainted with about that. He leaves and Sudha panics. Dadi tells her to not show the pressure all over else Rakesh will question.

Ranveer goes to Mamta’s room and figures he shouldn’t conceal a single thing from Mamta or Suhani. He awakens her from rest and says Vikrant isn’t the perfect individual for herself and on the grounds that Vikrant coerced him, he broke his commitment with Suhani. He advises Mamta to separate from Vikrant and take off from the house with her child and Suhani. Vikrant doesn’t merit her. Mamta misconstrues Ranveer and says he is self centered and needs to wed Suhani subsequently he needs to isolate his mom from her significant other.

She says she can’t allow Asha to turn into Vikrant’s better half. Ranveer says she shouldn’t really mind what others will do in her nonappearance, that ought not be her business. She ought to contemplate her own future and bliss. He expresses atleast for the wellbeing of he she ought to leave Vikrant. He causes her to swear on him. Mamta says she is in a fix now, her child believes her should pick either her better half and her child. She can’t leave a spouse’s obligation and neither one of the she can hurt her child being a mother. She has just choice that is to take her life. She then leaps off the window. Ranveer yells Ma.

Also read: Sirf Tum 19th May 2022 Written Update

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