Rishton Ka Manjha 24th February 2022 Written Update:

Rishton Ka Manjha 24th February 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Luv considering how Diya entered the party notwithstanding of weighty security. He says that she ought to go out and starts to leave. Kush stops Luv saying that he will deal with this. Kush alarms Diya that Luv got to be familiar with the papers. Diya asks how to which Kush says that Luv got her scent’s smell in the entryway and afterward actually look at the papers. Niharika comes there and asks Kush who she’s.

Arjun is sitting in the lock up. The cops requests to call specialist. Arjun says that the matter isn’t quit fooling around yet, yet it will now. Niharika tells Diya what her identity is. Kush lies that she’s little girl in law of one of their visitor. Niharika says that she hasn’t seen her in the party. Kush says that she hosts went to the get-together and met Luv. However, she’s leaving without meeting them. Diya wheezes and says that she has cold yet came as they host coordinated fabulous gathering. Kush guarantees Niharika that he cautioned the watchmen, so Diya will get found out and requests that she go. Niharika leaves.

In the police headquarters, Arjun hits his head in the bars. The cops get stunned and stop him. One of them say that they will lose their employment assuming he does as such. Arjun says that he will tell in the court that they tormented him in the lock up. The official frenzies. He calls Karan and illuminates regarding something similar. Karan says him to tell that Arjun hurt himself before the enquiry group else Arjun will attempt to get compassion of the media utilizing it. Arjun extorts the official and requests that he think. Another official calls the specialist.

Madhuri asks Diya where she has gone. Diya says that she has gone to their home to gather something. She gives her the papers and says that these are the property papers that Luv and Niharika took over by tricking them. She adds that she gathered it from Niharika’s room. She says that they need to provide Luv and Niharika with the painful but necessary consequence. Madhuri admonishes Diya for taking a chance with her life. Imagine a scenario in which something happened her. Diya uncovers that Kush helped her. Madhuri says that Kush isn’t her child too as he additionally tricked them. Diya says that Kush is their ally and it’s every one of the a piece of their arrangement. He assisted her with entering the party. Madhuri gets cheerful hearing this. Diya says that they will make Niharika and Luv fall in their own excursion. When Arjun will get bailed they will utilize greedness against them until they understand their misstep. Diya guarantees Madhuri that with God’s assist Arjun with willing battle his case and will win it. They have talked about what to do.

Specialist treats Arjun and asks how he got injured. Arjun requests that the official tell how they torment the detainees. The official says that Arjun hurt himself so he can escape while going to the emergency clinic. Arjun says that it’s great scrip. He says that he will assuming his content successes or his reality the following day in the court. He shares with the specialist that police broke his hand and requests that the specialist compose on the report what’s reality. The specialist shares with the official it’s inappropriate to torment detainees. Arjun giggles. The official attempts to hit Arjun, however another official stops him. Arjun says that Karan can break his hand, however he can break his fantasy. He will take part in badminton rivalry at any expense.

Niharika is breaking things out of frustration. Luv stops her and requests to think with quiet brain. Niharika faults Luv as he has the obligation of the security. Luv says it’s smarter to track down an answer as opposed to accusing one another. Niharika says that they’ve to trap Diya as they did with Arjun. They have register a police protest against her. All of a sudden Karan’s father by marriage shows up there and says no need of this. He says that Diya can do nothing than knowing which property has a place with whom. He requests that she unwind and partake in the party.

Diya is checking the property papers. Madhuri comes there and says that Amitabh demanding to come to the court, however he persuaded him. Madhuri says that she will go with her to the court. Diya tears the papers stunning Madhuri. Diya says that she got the data that she really wants, so these papers don’t have any utilization. Indeed they will cause problems due to these papers assuming Niharika sends police to their home. Madhuri asks how Diya and Arjun will handle every one of the issues. Diya guarantees that they will. She says that Arjun will begin his badminton vocation of emerging from the prison and nobody will actually want to prevent them from playing badminton.

The officials see Arjun practicing with one hand. Arjun inquires as to whether he is stressed what he will do straightaway. He says that he is preparing for the conflict which will occur in the court and in the badminton court. He requests that they plan too as they will lost their employment from following day. He incites the official. The official attempts to go to hit Arjun, however another official stops him.

Also read: Rishton Ka Manjha 23rd February 2022 Written Update

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