Rishton Ka Manjha 22nd March 2022 Written Update:

Rishton Ka Manjha 22nd March 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Niharika seeing Diya and ponders where is Arjun. She speculates that Arjun could took in her reality. She begins her acting before Diya that she is carrying on with a quiet life and correcting her wrongdoings and gets some information about Arjun. Diya says she can’t really understand. Somebody acts the hero and slaps a hijacker. Karan gets the news that somebody liberated Bablu and he admonishes Ajit for his thoughtless mentality. Ajit says he cautioned Karan about Diya yet he didn’t tune in.

Kavita says Diya advised somebody to follow her perhaps consequently they saved Bablu. Karan advises Ajit to leave the city and he lets Kavita know that they will accuse Ajit as he is a lawbreaker. They should now zero in on the match. Kush converses with Diya and Niharika says Arjun could have abandoned Diya and will leave all the connection. Kush requests that Niharika stop her theatrics. Strict words sometimes fall short for her and it appears she is arranging all these since long. Niharika says he shouldn’t question her aims as she is following the way of harmony. Kush asks her not to rest on floor but rather she says he should stress for her. He gets irritated.

Diya meets Bablu and embraces him. She gets amazed to realize Arjun saved him with the assistance of cops. Kush asks implies Arjun picked up everything ahead of time. Arjun uncovers he realized she can’t deceive him. In flashback he followed her while she planned to meet Bablu. He stood up to her why she stowed away about Bablu’s grabbing. She said she was terrified for Bablu’s security so he shouldn’t make any frantic stride.

Arjun said let Karan accept they got isolated then just he will commit an error and they will uncover him. Flashback closes. Arjun says sorry to Diya and the last option expresses gratitude toward him. Kush says she shouldn’t pardon Arjun without any problem. Arjun says he will send Diya’s family to Jamshedpur and will converse with the police for their security so Karan can’t capture them once more. Diya consents to play the coordinate with Arjun.

Arjun changes his accomplice’s name into Diya. He says this is conclusive, later he sees Karan with Kavita. He insults Karan saying the last option should be missing past times when he used to annihilate professions of good players. Karan says he will obliterate Arjun’s pride. Arjun answers Karan generally centered around causing him to lose however he centers around winning as it were. He says he will win the competition without a doubt as Diya is his accomplice. He leaves holding Diya’s hand. Karan says he made a strong arrangement against Arjun on the event of Holi.

Madhuri looks annoyed and chooses not to observe Holi this year in stupendous way. Diya and Arjun ask her for what good reason so. Madhuri misses Luv and stresses for him thinking where he is presently.

Also read Rishton Ka Manjha 21st March 2022 Written Update

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