The scene begins with Diya let Arjun know that assuming they take off from the house then Madhuri will be exceptionally disturbed. She can’t survive without her child. Diya would rather not be the explanation of her pity. Tina likewise left then, at that point, what’s the issue. Arjun answers Tina left yet a few individuals from this house actually don’t care for Diya, so they will leave.
Madhuri, Kush and Dipika go to Diya’s room. Madhuri tells Arjun that Diya will not go anyplace. Madhuri apologizes to Diya again for harming her self confidence. Kush argues Arjun saying with the exception of Amitabh everybody acknowledged Diya.
So they shouldn’t leave. Arjun at last concurs however advances the condition that Madhuri needs to acknowledge Diya with badminton. Madhuri permits Diya to play badminton. Arjun drops the possibility of leaving.
Everyone gets cheerful. Durga bisarjan arrangements start. Agarwal women appreciate playing with bermilion. Kush expresses gratitude toward Arjun for remaining back else everybody wouldn’t have partaken in this much. Arjun and Diya grin at one another. Niharika goes to meet Tina without anybody’s information. Diya sees Niharika.
Niharika gets inside Tina’s vehicle. Tina inquires as to whether anybody saw her. Niharika uncovers Kush saw her in morning yet she persuaded him with her acting. FB is shown where Kush got her and Niharika says she needs to acquire his trust first and gives her telephone to Kush. Kush advises her to remain away.
Rishton Ka Manjha 29th November 2021 Written Story:
FB closes. Niharika says sorry to Tina and says she can help her by remaining in the Agarwal Mansion and the last option shows her the boycott drug. Tina advises Niharika to blend the medication in Diya’s morning meal tomorrow first thing. Diya will arrive at camp yet will get precluded.
Niharika takes the medication and guarantees her she will commit no error this time and leaves. Tina says she knows about Niharika’s tendency exactly how Niharika set out to accuse her. She will likewise trap her.
Diya catches Amitabh’s telephone discussion with Mr Khurana. Amitabh argues him to not drop the arrangement else his organization will be shut. He took advance of crores. He uncovers during the trick he upheld Karan rather than Arjun on Khurana’s solicitation. Diya gets stunned hearing that.
Madhuri calls Diya to converse with her. Madhuri demands Diya to not play badminton, similar to a mother she can’t see Arjun in torment. Madhuri says she is sounding childish and halting Diya to satisfy her fantasy yet she is a mother as well. Arjun went through a ton in view of beast Karan. Karan will target Diya too and beforehand he assaulted her.
So Diya should leave badminton. She can begin once more with Arjun. Diya tells Madhuri yet Arjun’s bliss is badminton. Madhuri looks on.