RadhaKrishn 25th February 2022 Written Update: Krishna tells Yashoda its an ideal opportunity to leave. Nand asks where he needs to go. Krishna says Dwarka, his obligation is calling him there and he can hardly wait. Yashoda says he recently came.
Krishna says he partook in every snapshot of Vrindavan stay and needs to go now, so she shouldn’t send him with tears. Yashoda asks how might she quit crying when her Kanha is going. Krishna says he needs her to send him cheerfully. Balram asks what he needs to say. Krishna says there is a major difficulty holding up at Dwarka.
Balram says he will go with him then, at that point. Krishna says its a fight which he needs to battle alone, so Balram should remain here and appreciate his folks’ conversation. Radha says she will go with him. He says the two of them are one, yet he will battle alone. Yashoda says her child will play out his obligation, so these are bittersweet tears happiness and he should leave grinning.
Gopis ask when will they meet once more. He says he doesn’t have the foggiest idea and in the event that he gets an opportunity, he will meet them all once more. Yashoda leaves saying she can’t see her Kanha going. Krishna leaves.
Rishi’s perform havan when climate changes and they think assuming that they committed an error. An asur with his military annihilates yagna. Rishi asks who did this wrongdoing. Asur arranges his fighters to assault them. Rishi asks who is he. Asur steps on senior rishi’s shoulder and orders officers to snatch them.
Rishi asks who are they and for what good reason are they doing this. Asur says he is Hans and his more youthful sibling Dimbak who are here to lay out dharma. He arranges fighters to drag youthful rishis from here. Dimbak requests that he be benevolent to rishis or, more than likely god will become irate. Hans says he isn’t anxious about even divine beings. Rishi gets some information about them, how would they manage the prisoners.
Hans says they will discover soon and orders officers to drag them along. Dimbak inquires as to whether they are doing well. Hans says he knows what he is doing and needs the entire world to be familiar with their powers. Old rishis figure where will take prisoners, he heard Krishna is getting back to Dwarka, he will address Krisna in regards to this.
Radha meets Krishna and inquires as to for what reason did he say its his last Vrindavan excursion and feeds him spread. She asks what will happen which even Dau can’t help. Krishna says when they visit Dwarka, she will discover. Krishna with Radha gets back to Dwarka. Rukmini plays out his aarti and invites him. Revati gets some information about Balram. Krishna says let Balram rest in Vrindavan for quite a while.
Hans takes youthful rishis to a cavern. Old Rishis meet Krishna and briefs him the entire circumstance. Saambh says he will proceed to liberate Rishis from Hans and Dimbak. Krishna requests that he respond provided that he sees Hans and Dimbak foul up with rishis. Saamb with his group look through Hans and Dimbak’s area.
Hans takes youthful rishis to young ladies and says he is playing out their wedding. Rishis argues not to do this transgression. He undermines them to sit in mandap or probably face demise. Saambh arrives at cave and watches rishis’ wedding concealing reasoning he can’t assault Hans and Dimbak until they really do any error. Hans tells rishis that he inclined toward them by getting them hitched, presently they can go through a time on earth with satisfaction with their spouses as opposed to asking around.
A rishi curses him. He indignantly attempts to kill rishi, however saves when his better half argues to save her significant other. Saambh returns and illuminates Krishna that Hans and Dimbak are strongly playing out rishis’ wedding.
Precap :Radha cautions Hans to dare not powerfully play out anybody’s wedding. Hans gets stricken by her excellence and requests to wed her.