RadhaKrishn 24th May 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
Bhargavi moves wearing ghungroo. Devi Gauri tells Mahadev that Devi Laxmi is moving wearing his ghungroo and trusts Srinivas and Bhargavi join soon. Srinivas thinks there are many obstacles before he and Bhargavi can rejoin. Rishi Bhrigu sees basic food item trucks.
Vasu strolls in and says ruler is circulating staple and abundance among residents in the wake of fixing Padmavathi’s wedding date, dispersed it among other rishis and brought it in any event, for Bhrigu. Bhrigu thinks Vasu is the best counterpart for Bhargavi. Vasu thinks he hit the bolt at the perfect place.
Bhargavi implodes while moving. Srinivas gets stressed for her. Khyati illuminates him that Bhargavi had nothing starting from the morning and goes to get water for Bhargavi. Srinivas reprimands Bhargavi and goes to plan nourishment for her. Bhargavi feels great paying attention to his chastening.
Khyati gives water to Bhargavi and asks how is she feeling now. Bhargavi says she is fine at this point. Srinivas brings kheer for Bhargavi and demands her to have it. Khyati requests that he be with Bhargavi and ensure she completes kheer. Srinivas takes care of kheer to Bhargavi and requests that she rest while he proceeds to help Khyati in cooking.
Khyati returns and acclaims Srinivas for taking care of the entire bowl of her to Bhargavi. Bhrigu returns and asks what’s going on. Khyati says Bhargavi had nothing starting from the morning. Bhrigu says Bhargavi should be strained finding out about her marriage. Srinivas goes about as amazed and blissful.
Bhargavi moves irate on Srinivas and leaves saying she is fine. Bhrigu requests that Khyati proceed to actually take a look at her. Srinivas says he is Bhargavi’s master and can address her. Khyati licenses him. Bhrigu illuminates Khyati that Vasu can be the one of the most outstanding counterpart for Bhargavi. Srinivas gets miserable hearing that.
RadhaKrishn 23rd May 2022 Written Update:
Vasu snickers seeing his arrangement working. Balu proposes him to fix his union with Bhargavi. Vasu says once Bhrigu visits castle once more, he will begin his next plan and demonstrate Bhrigu that he is the best counterpart for Bhargavi. Back to Bhrigu’s home, he lets Khyati know that he considers even Srinivas as the best match and believes Srinivas and Vasu should contend.
Srinivas gets cheerful hearing that. He strolls to Bhargavi’s room and hears her seething that Srinivas is a blockhead not to comprehend that she needs to wed him. He goes about as least concerned and says he will simply watch whom her dad will decide for her. She requests that he select the kid for her then. He says he will and talk about it with Bhrigu.
Precap :Srinivas composes an adoration letter for Bhargavi and communicates his longing to meet her in the wilderness. She cheerfully runs towards the wilderness.