Balram lets Mahadev know that he regards him and assuming he arranges, he can wash any asur’s feet and drink that water, yet he regards his Kanha more and can’t allow anybody to affront him.
Mahadev blows up and orders Romharshan to look for help. Radha requests that Krishna quiet down Mahadev as he is blowing up on Balram. Krishna says both Mahadev and Balram are playing out their karma/obligation and thus he can’t meddle. Romharshan looks for shelter from Mahadev that Balram with his entire power shouldn’t have the option to hurt him. Balram demands Mahadev not to say tathasthu/so be it.
Mahadev says he is giving this shelter on Krishna’s solicitation. Balram cautions he will kill Romharshan before he says tathasthu and raises his weapon to kill Romharshan when Krishna with a finger snaps stops time and asks Balram not to affront Mahadev and solicitations Mahadev to save Balram. Mahadev say she needs to give shelter to Romharshan and is powerless.
Balram raises his weapon again and Mahadev attempts to kill him. Radha stops Mahadev and solicitations to save Balram. Krishna helps Mahadev to remember a prior occurrence and says they don’t give total abhay daan/life shelter to anybody as one gets eternal then, at that point. Mahadev expresses gratitude toward him for offering information to him. Balram says he can’t make back his vow and needs to decapitate Romharshan. Krishna holds Balram’s feet and says he won’t leave Balram’s feet until he leaves his resoluteness.
RadhaKrishn 13th December 2021 Written Story:
Balram drops his weapon and lifting up Krishna with sorrowful eyes and asks what he needs. Krishna solicitations to make back his vow and let Mahadev satisfy his desire. Balram asks how might he say that. Krishna says he confides in himself and can’t let anything wrong happening to his dau. Balram concurs and embraces Krishna inwardly. Krishna asks him to simply trust him and restarts time with his finger snap once more.
Mahadev asks Romharshan which shelter he needs. Romharshan says he thought he previously looked for his help, he needs life insurance/abay daan from Balram. Mahadev says its against destiny as Balram is the method for his end, he should put examine a way by means of which Balram can’t hurt him.
Shalv tells Shukracharya that Krishna deceived once more. Shukracharya trains Romharshan to rehash that Balram can’t hurt him by weapon and actual strength. Mahadev says tathasthu and vanishes. Balram feels embarrassed and says he is weak at this point. Radha attempts to comfort him. Romharshan smiles and closures yagna inadequate. Radha solicitations to finish it as its a transgression to inadequate a yagna. Romharshan says he won’t ever finish a yagna for Krishna.
Precap :Krishna proposes Balram to grapple with Romharshan. Balram challenges Romharshan. Romharshan overwhelms him and figures Balram will kick the bucket without a doubt as Mahadev is with him.