Balram hauls Nishath to yagna setting and requests that Krishna stop yagna. Radha inquires as to why he needs to stop it when he, when all is said and done, brought rishi Rom Harshan for yagna. Balram uncovers that his child is a trickster and with Rom Harshan, Shalv, and Shukracharya has intended to kill Krishna.
Revati feels unsettled and says she will be a called a Dwarka swindler’s mom. Balram says he will end a delinquent Rom Harshan. Rom Harshan proceeds yagna to save himself. Krishna stops Balram and says Rom Harshan isn’t totally a maverick rishi. Balram says Rom Harshan’s greatest sin is inciting him against his sibling and cautions Krishna not to stop him.
Krishna says it would be a brahma hatya/murder and even him and Radha will be troubled by its transgression. Balram furiously lifts hand to kill Rom Harshan, yet hits a coconut all things considered and says he won’t cause anything which will damage his Radha Krishna.
Devi Gauri asks Mahadev for what good reason Krishna did this. Mahadev says he was satisfying Radha’s desire of finishing the yagna, he is additionally allowing Rom Harshan to acquire some goodness/punya as he is a researcher. Devi Gauri says sibling Krishna gives opportunity to everybody.
Balram cautions Rom Harshan to proceed with his yagna till he needs, yet when he stops, he will kick the bucket. Rom Harshan looks for Shurkacharya’s assistance who proposes to recite mantras which will proceed for long. Rom Harshan snickers and serenades shiv shrod. Balram inquires as to whether he has gone distraught. Saambh clarifies its shiv shrod and won’t ever end till Mahadev arises.
Krishna says Rom Harshan will look for aid from Mahadev at whatever point he arises and will get away from death. Shalv tells Shukracharya that Rom Harshan will escape with Mahadev’s aid and their arrangement of finishing Krishna and Dwarka will fizzle. Shukracharya says Mahadev won’t arise, so Balram should reclaim his guarantee of killing Rom Harshan.
Balram inquires as to whether Dwarka will end with musal parv. Krishna says he is vulnerable. Radha says this yagna will be the justification behind their and Dwarka’s end. Devi Gauri tells Mahadev that Shukracharya fouled up by giving this thought o Rom Harshan. Mahadev says they should pause and watch what Narayan does. Shalv sees debris tumbling from sky. Shukracharya says its an uplifting news and an indication of Dwarka’s destroyal.
RadhaKrishn 9th December 2021 Written Story;
Fighters illuminate Saambh that there is a downpour of hot debris. Saambh tells Krishna this is a result of mussal and requests that he accomplish something. Krishna says he is powerless. Saambh demands Balram to vow not to kill Rom Harshan when his yagna closes. Balram denies and says he is prepared to forfeit anything to end Rom Harshan as he set out to incite him against his Kanha. Radha says he can’t let entire Dwarka endure on account of his resoluteness. Balram disagrees. Krishna thinks assuming that he doesn’t track down an answer, Dwarka’s end is without a doubt.
Precap :Mahadev arises and vows to satisfy Rom Harshan’s desire. Balram chooses to kill Rom Harshan before he looks for aid.