Radha Mohan Written Update 3rd October 2022:

Radha Mohan Written Update 3rd October 2022 on serialtalk.com

Radha answers she didn’t return for Mohan, Damini shouts she came to safeguard this family however her work is finished since she found the accomplice of Hriday, Radha is paralyzed. Damini turns around mentioning Radha to leave their lives. Radha questions how she is familiar with it that she and Mohan jee are looking for the accomplice of Hriday.

Damini attempts to explain herself however Radha doesnot need to pay attention to anything making sense of just she and Mohan jee had some awareness of it, she promises to come clean with Mohan declining to pay attention to Damini she strolls down the steps calling Mohan who is on the call, Damini is truly dazed when Radha clarifies their craving for search has finished as she found the adversary of the house,

Mohan likewise concurs making sense of they have established the foe of the house and calls everybody including Kadambari, Ketki and Ajit first floor. Kadambari gets stressed when Radha figures how might Damini have the option to lie this time since now Mohan is certain Damini is the guilty party. Tulsi is likewise happy Mohan got to know reality with regards to Damini.

Mohan clears up for Kadambari how they believed that Hriday arrived at this house due to Dadi yet it is off-base as somebody from this house informed Hriday about everything, including their shortcoming and assets even the connection they all have. Tulsi is grinning. Mohan makes sense of to this end Hriday knew it all prior to coming to the house, Kadambari questions Mohan how he is familiar with it, Radha uncovers assuming Kadambari recalls that she returned to the mandir so she can return the

Murti of Radharani so when she need to that Mandir the Pujari there thought she was the guilty party which is the point at which she figured out that Hriday jee arrived at this house subsequent to arranging everything. Mohan specifies the individual who attempted to demolish their family and, surprisingly, put the existence of Radha and Gungun in danger lives in this equivalent house, with them all Kadambari asks him who is tat person< Damini gets truly stressed thoroughly considering it when Tulsi shouts,

she realized Damini could be the only one behind this as she is the greatest foe of this house.Mohan gradually begins strolling towards Damini which concerns her a ton, Radha is likewise feeling better, yet Mohan strolls past her so making her inhale a moan of help. Radha ponders where Mohan is going, she is dazed while they bring Rahul masked as Kaveri Masi.Mohan pulls him to the middle accusing Rahul is the foe of this house, everybody is stunned to hear it and even Kadambari can’t comprehend what is happening,

Kaveri shouts Bhagwan safeguarded her when Damini answers it is a result of her understanding.Mohan specifies Radha went to the Mandir brilliantly and returned soon any other way he could not have possibly realized that his own sibling is playing this game, Rahul questions what is this waste however at that point Mohan slaps him without paying attention to anything, Radha attempts to make sense of yet Mohan says Rahul can’t express even a solitary word, Rahul answers he would explain when Mohan is faulting him for botches which he didn’t actually commit.

Kadambari additionally answers that she realizes Rahul is furious with him however this doesnot imply that he would do anything of the sort. Mohan answers he has evidence against Rahul, he calls Munim jee into the house addressing how much cash he gave Rahul in the beyond one month, Munim jee specifies he gave Rahul around 2,000,000 rupees. Rahul questions why Munim is lying since he didn’t meet him since the beyond a while, Munim inquires as to how could he lie.

Damini believes that she called Munim making sense of he really wants to get out anything that she has let him know any other way she would illuminate Mohan and Kadambari about the cash which he took from them to buy his vehicle. Mohan answers he will show the passages which demonstrate Rahul accepted the cash as the dates are a coordinate to every one of the issues that occurred with them including the commitment and when Gungun was tossed in the drag well.

Rahul attempts to argue that somebody is setting him up and they could never have gotten him had it not been for Radha. The Pandit jee additionally enters when Mohan requests that he affirm that Rahul used to meet Hriday. The Pandit shifts focus over to Damini making sense of he saw him with Hriday however couldn’t remember him since he generally wore a sarree. Damini thinks she additionally met the Pujari and gave him twofold the sum to perceive Rahul.

Ketki likewise makes sense of that Rahul can never accomplish something so off-base, Radha attempts to demand the pujari to obviously believe on the off chance that he isn’t committing any error, yet the Pujari is certain he realizes it is Rahul.Mohan questions everybody about who got the letter and makes sense of that Dulari, Ketki and Kadambari told each other while Damini informed him, and the main individual who didn’t tell anybody was Rahul, however he likewise took Gungun to similar spot where they called him.

Mohan inquires as to whether this is likewise a happenstance that he couldn’t get Hriday and he splashed pepper shower on everybody other than him. Mohan by and by slaps Rahul. Radha sees Damini flagging Pujari jee and who leaves with Munim jee.Kadambari questions Mohan why Rahul would do anything when Mohan answers since he was envious of Radha on the grounds that he was going to toss him out when he got into mischief with Radha.

Mohan specifies he generally used to believe that Rahul is youthful thus commits such errors, however he has now understood that Rahul is the foe of this house. Once more radha attempts to illuminate Mohan he is making a mistake.Rahul makes sense of he has now perceived who is doing this since this embarrassment is a direct result of Radha, she originally made the two siblings battle and is currently attempting to act decent, he promises to show Radha a thing or two, however Mohan slaps him.

Gungun separating them the two solicitations Mohan to relinquish Rahul, Mohan questions why she is safeguarding her uncle when he is the explanation she got caught in the drag well and he was acting constantly. Yet again mohan begins beating Rahul so Kadambari is compelled to stop him,

Mohan shouts now the police would do anything which they appear to be fit. The whole family is shocked and flagging Mohan to stop yet Damini is as yet standing tranquilly there. Radha thinks it is completely off-base since Rahul misunderstands not done anything and Damini is the genuine guilty party.

Also read: Radha Mohan Written Update 1st October 2022

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