Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 3rd June 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com
The Episode begins with Khanderao adulating Ahilya and lamenting that he fouled up with her. He says I will attempt to become a decent dad. Parvati sobs well into the night. He likewise deceives rest alongside her. She turns and sees her. He stresses for Ahilya and goes. Parvati thinks you have destroyed my most memorable evening, I will always remember this. Its morning, Gunu ji says I will meet Khanderao and afterward come to the darbar.
Malhar says request that he come with perfect timing, his presence is devil. He goes. Khanderao comes to Ahilya and says Vaid ji didn’t come till now. She expresses you here, you ought to be in the darbar. He says no, I need to ask him for what good reason did you have that aggravation. She says such agony is normal in pregnancy, isn’t pixie to remain here. He says I need my responses. She asks him to simply go, she will let him know everything exhaustively. He says father has not called me, it implies I m not required there, regardless of whether I go late, it won’t make any difference. Gunu ji comes to call him.
Khanderao leaves. Gautama says I will go to kitchen and come. Sushila asks Ahilya for what valid reason is she stressed. Ahilya says I m stressed for him, I don’t believe that he should break any discipline and follow through on any cost. Gunu ji requests that Khanderao converse with Vaid, till then he will head the darbar. Khanderao returns to Ahilya and says I addressed Gunu ji, its OK on the off chance that I don’t go to darbar. She thinks he isn’t understanding. The darbar procedures go on.
The man asks how long will we hang tight for Khanderao. Gunu ji says I have addressed him, I can deal with the work in his nonattendance. He heads the darbar. Vaid ji comes Gautama requests that Khanderao ask anything he needs. Ahilya says request that he go to darbar. Khanderao converses with the Vaid and gets some information about Ahilya’s examination.
Vaid checks Ahilya and says all is well, nothing remains to be stressed. Ahilya says Khanderao ought to be in darbar today, Sushila says he is concerned for you, he has come here by leaving his work, you ought to get cheerful. Gautama says there will be some matter that Ahilya is demanding him to go to the darbar. Ahilya tells her the explanation. She says I had addressed Khanderao about the mail center administrations, he additionally concurred, this can do right by our Rajya more, on the off chance that Khanderao didn’t do this, then who is doing this.
Gunu ji clears up the arrangement for Malhar. He says you need to determine what sum will you contribute. Ahilya says I would maintain that Khanderao should make sense of this arrangement. Gunuji wraps up his thoughts. The man acclaims Gunu ji. He expresses profound gratitude, I had introduced this arrangement, thanks once more. Ahilya says Peshwa would have be cheerful and pleased with Khanderao assuming he realizes this. The man says Gunu ji has concentrated on the arrangement well, I figure Gunu ji ought to get this obligation. Malhar hears others likewise adulating Gunu ji. He gives the obligation to Gunu ji. Gunu ji figures I will grab every one of the privileges from Khanderao, it will be past the point of no return.
Also read: Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 2nd June 2022 Written Update