Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 2nd May 2022 Written Update:

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 2nd May 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Renuka tossing sand in Kailash’s eyes and taking off. Kailash shouts. The man gets water for him. Kailash says Renuka has taken off. Ahilya is coming. She sees Renuka running. The truck stalls out. Ahilya gets a gigantic jerk. She shouts in torment and blacks out down.

Parvati comes to Khanderao and gets desserts for him. She asks might I at any point stay here for quite a while. He permits her. She says you look stressed. He says I m stressed over something. She requests that he redirect his psyche. He tells her the matter. He says on the off chance that I attempt to get equity for Renuka, it will be awful for Malwa’s improvement plan, what occurred, tell me. He says I figured you will give me some arrangement,

I have a propensity to talk about things with Ahilya, I failed to remember that she hasn’t arrived. Watch comes and calls him to see Ahilya. Khanderao surges. Vaid ji checks Ahilya and says nothing remains to be stressed, the jerk caused the stomach torment, all is great, fare thee well. Ahilya grins. Khanderao comes there.

Parvati cries. Dwarka says Ahilya isn’t well, so she has come to see. She encourages her to satisfy Khanderao by making great nourishment for her. Ahilya says I have seen Renuka running, it implies they are after her life. Gautama says there is a day to day existence in you likewise, did you fail to remember this, she is fine now, yet this can’t occur generally.

Dwarka and Yamuna come. Dwarka says Gautama is correct. Ahilya says I didn’t see that pit. Malhar says all of you are making it a major issue, this can happen anyplace, Ahilya isn’t thoughtless. Gautama says Ahilya shouldn’t accomplish any work in pregnant state. Malhar asks doesn’t work occur at home, when Khanderao was in your belly, did you sit resting,

Dwarka was there to be careful, yet you must be all over. He tells about Gautama’s pregnancy stage. They all snicker hearing the story. Gautama says don’t ridicule me, when a lady is pregnant, then, at that point, she feels such desires. Malhar says however Ahilya was helping another lady,

a pregnant lady ought to be kept cheerful, Ahilya gets blissful in other’s satisfaction. Gautama says I can’t prevail upon you, I would rather not bear any gamble, you can contend with me, however this time, Ahilya won’t go out until she conveys our grandson, she will not go to Darbar too.

Malhar says fine, however Darbar will come to her, we will have all the darbar procedures for her in the castle, we will help her. Ahilya grins. Jai singh harms the food. Parvati comes and inquires as to whether the food is prepared. He says OK, and hands over the plate to her. She takes the food. Malhar is with Ishwar. He says I m pained considering everything that you said to me toward the beginning of the day. Ishwar asks what.

Harku and Ahilya stroll in the yard. Harku says strolling is great in pregnancy, where is your concentration. Ahilya says I have sent a few watchmen to look for Renuka. Harku asks her not to take pressure. Parvati requests that Khanderao have the food. He denies. She says on the off chance that you taste this once and like it, I will request that Maharaj make this for everybody. Ahilya sees the gatekeepers coming. They say we were unable to find Renuka anyplace. Ahilya stresses.

Another person comes there with the face covered. He eliminates the cover and shows his face. Khanderao says fine, keep it here, I will have it later. Parvati demands him to stop the work and have the work. He takes the food plate. Jai singh looks on and grins. He figures I will leave from here this evening, Khanderao will bite the dust.

Precap :Khanderao takes the food to eat. Parvati grins.

Also read: Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 29th April 2022 Written Update

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