Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 19th April 2022 Written Update:

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 19th April 2022 Written Update on serialtalk.com

Episode begins with Khanderao contending with Ahilya that she didn’t come clean with him to make him revile himself. Gautama and Malhar likewise squabble over Khanderao and Ahilya’s marriage.

He says Ahilya realize that you don’t need her for Khanderao, she comprehends you well, so she mentioned me to acknowledge this connection. Gautama gets shocked. Malhar says I planned to reject, however she requested that I say OK, since you gave her statement.

Khanderao says you might have saved me from this problem, for what reason didn’t you tell me. Ahilya says everybody is accusing me, you had previously given the assent, I have done what I have generally done, I have attempted to not interfered with you and your bliss, which you are getting from another person, I didn’t wish anybody to fault me for halting many you said OK.

He says when I got to realize that you will bring forth my child, I remembered to go to Gawde and demand him to liberate me from this connection, however at that point I got to realize that you had concealed this fair to allow this union with occur, so presently the marriage will occur, you needn’t bother with anybody to deal with you.

Gautama reviews Malhar’s words. She goes to Gawde and says I will converse with Malhar first and afterward tell about the rasam. Khanderao comes out of resentment and says I m prepared. Ahilya says nobody is understanding me, my aim was not off-base. Malhar says I know, however this time you are incorrect, your quiet has destroyed numerous things this time, I have upheld you before Gautama, yet I will tell you in all honesty, you ought to have told me,

I m your dearest companion, we might have stayed away from this, Gautama and Khanderao would have changed their see any problems, Khanderao and your connection would have turned sweet after this uplifting news, you would have not imparted him to another person, I can’t do any equity now. He leaves. Ahilya cries.

Gunu ji comes to meet Dhana ji. Dhana ji contrives against Khanderao. Gunu ji says as you wish. Khanderao goes for the rasam with Parvati. Ahilya thinks Khanderao isn’t mine now. Khanderao is coming. Dhana ji watches out for him. The house keepers discuss the obstructed course close to the sanctuary. Ahilya looks on.

Parvati talk pleasantly with Khanderao. Khanderao faculties the assault and gets ready. Some water streams there on the ground. Ahilya is coming. She gets the officers there. The officers pour water on the ground. Dhana ji glances around. He flies off the handle. Ahilya goes on. Malhar comes there on a pony. Khanderao and Parvati look on. He gets thinking.

Precap :Khanderao says we will begin another existence with one another. Ahilya gets some information about his marriage. He says I have denied for the marriage.

Also read: Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 18th April 2022 Written Update

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