Parineetii Written Update 26th August 2022:

Parineetii Written Update 26th August 2022 on

Rajiv cries on the way and says I am such a blockhead. I thought you were not conversing with me and you were there in the clinic in such a lot of torment. I wasn’t there for you. I shouldn’t have expressed no to you. I have had enough. I will tell everybody you’re my significant other and that I love you as it were. Not Pari. Just you’re my better half.

Pari goes inside the police headquarters. They actually look at her and her sack at the entrnce. The lady gets out whatever is this? This medication? Pari says it’s not mine. She hauls her inside. She tells the reviewer. Pari says I don’t have the foggiest idea what is she doing in my sack. I have barely any familiarity with it. I came here to record a report. Constable says she’s concocting rationalization.

Pari says how could I bring it here? My companion is conceded. Somebody has hit her. He says I can’t record an objection until this is explored. Shera and Rakesh chuckle. Rakesh gets out whatever an arrangement. Great. Shera says I gained everything from you. Presently you can kill Neeti. Pari says I slammed into a man. He probably put it. Kindly capture the individual who hurt my companion.

He says I need to examine it. At any rate, the superintendent tells Rakesh Neeti is passing on. He says to break the wheels of her bed and she will tumble from the incline. Harman comes to Pari. He gets out whatever occurred? Examiner says these medications were tracked down in her pack. We will examine. Pari says these medications aren’t mine. He says don’t contend or I will capture you.

Rajiv comes to Neeti. He holds her hand and cries. He says I am sorry Neeti. Kindly recover, we will go to Amritsar. He kisses her temple. Mandeep is outside. She sees Rakesh outside. Mandeep comes to him. She says quit pursuing Pari she’s hitched. Shera expresses shut up elderly person. Mandeep says I am not old. Avoid Pari. Shera says we can kill you as well. Mandeep says don’t say that. I will track down you a greatly improved young lady than Pari. Shera swoons Mandeep.

The specialist tells Sanju Neeti’s condition is exceptionally basic. She has had a great deal of blood misfortune. Simply ask. The superintendents remove Pari from the room. The wheels are free. They leave it close to the steps. Meet tumbles down. Her head drains more. She blacks out. Individuals come there. Sanju accompanies the specialist. Rajiv comes running there. He says Neeti. I’m with you. He holds her.

The ward kid says the wheel broke. The specialist says would you be able to utilize the lift? Sanju picks Neeti. Harman says our girl can never do that. He says she needs to respond to my inquiries. Harman says she’s finished nothing. He says there were drugs in her pack. Pari says my companion’s life is in harm’s way. I’ve to go there. He arranges his food. Pari says kindly let us go. He says couldn’t I eat first? I want evidence.

Pari requests that Harman call Mandeep and call Sanju. he calls Mandeep however she doesn’t pick Harman says I am certain she’s eating outside. Pari tells the reviewer on the off chance that anything happens to my companion I will document a body of evidence against you. He expresses shut up or I will secure you.

Sanju signs the papers for the medical procedure. Mandeep is tied in the van. She says how would I let them know I am locked here. Harman says she just thinks often about herself. Pari is stressed over Neeti. Chandrika comes and finishes Pari’s bail. She expresses gratitude toward her. Pari says you saved me today. Chandrika says you’re my sister. You can definitely relax. Pari requests that she return home.

The medical procedure begins. Sanju sits tight outside and petitions God for her. He says in almost no time you will be fine and you will come outside and afterward we will return home. I won’t ever battle with you from now on. The specialist emerges. She says Neeti is as yet basic. We will start a medical procedure shortly. The lesser specialist says her condition is deteriorating we need to hurry.

Rajiv says let me see please.. He overreacts. He attempts to go in. They stop him. Rajiv cries. Pari emerges. Harman asks her not to stress. He says our Neeti will be alright. They head inside. Nurture says the BP is extremely low. She emerges. Rajiv gets some information about her condition. She says you ought to stand by outside. Her condition is extremely basic. She requests to arrange medication.

The medical caretaker says on gathering Neeti’s condition is exceptionally more awful. She says her better half is additionally here. Harman says I will get the medication. You go to OT. Specialist prepares to give Neeti CPR. Her pulse is still low. They give her another shock. The specialist says her body isn’t answering.

Rajiv petitions God for for Neeti. Specialist calls another trained professional. She says we want you to save her. She tells Rajiv she’s not answering any treatment. I have called my chief. He could possibly follow through with something. sanju says if it’s not too much trouble, save my Neeti. Satisfy I beseech you. She says let me take care of my responsibilities. Sanju says I love my better half a ton.

Rajiv cries and says kindly save my Neeti. She’s my significant other, she is my life, my adoration. I love her a ton. I can’t survive without her. I love her a great deal. If it’s not too much trouble, save her. What will I manage without her? I will bite the dust without her. Pari comes there. She’s stunned. She remains in shock. Rajiv says if it’s not too much trouble, save my significant other. I beseech you. If it’s not too much trouble.

The specialist expresses it’s no longer any of my concern. I have called the senior specialist. Rajiv says kindly save her. Kindly save my significant other. Pari says that implies Rajiv is Sanju? She sits in shock behind a support point.

Precap-Rajiv says our adoration isn’t really frail. Your Sanju is with you and will continuously. Pari checks him out. The specialist comes and expresses sorry to Rajiv. She says Neeti is no more. Pari sits in shock.

Also read: Parineetii Written Update 25th August 2022

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