Pandya Store Written Update 8th September 2022:

Pandya Store Written Update 8th September 2022 on

Episode begins with Shweta inquiring as to whether Dhara will prepare her to deal with Chiku. Rishita considers show a thing or two to Shweta to exploit Dhara’s affection for Chiku. Dhara consents to show Shweta and requests that she give her total spotlight on Chiku and advises her that she needs to leave, taking Chiku with her.

Shweta inquires as to whether Dhara would have the option to disengage herself from Chiku, to which Dhara says that she has acknowledged the way that Chiku is Shweta’s youngster. Suman implores God to invigorate Dhara. Then again, Raavi, Shiva and Krish come to meet Arnav, who is Krish’s companion, Sudhesh’s chief. He acquaints himself with Raavi.

He says that he is her large fan. He guarantees Shiva and Raavi that he will get her record programmer very soon. Rishita meets a guide who encourages her to perform Yoga, contemplation to keep her brain quiet and delivery cynicism from her psyche. She recommends fixing cameras to screen her kid when she goes out.

Rishita believes that fixing CCTV is the smartest plan to watch out for Shweta. Arnav says that he followed the programmer’s IP address and presently they can without much of a stretch find the gadget he utilized. Raavi says thanks to Arnav and requests that he show her how to follow IP addresses. Arnav concurs.

Rishita gets back and offers with Dhara and Suman her guiding experience. She says that the advocate recommended fixing CCTV cameras to screen the kid, which can assist with diminishing her pressure. Dhara tracks down that it’s the smartest thought. Suman likewise concurs.

Rishita says that it’s best for the sake of security since she can screen the youngster by sitting in the lobby by introducing an application on her telephone. Dhara additionally needs to introduce that application on her telephone. Shweta maintains that no cameras should be fixed in her room. Rishita says that cameras ought to be fixed in Shweta’s space to screen her.

Arnav shares with Raavi that her programmer changed her record secret phrase, so they need an opportunity to get back admittance to her record. He clarifies for her the systems. Raavi requests that Shiva and Krish leave as they’re getting late for their work. Raavi guarantees Shiva that she will make due. In Pandya’s home, Suman says that it’s her home, so she will choose where to fix the cameras. Rishita says that even Sweta can screen Chiku assuming cameras sort out in her room. She reminds Shweta that she ought to get prepared to deal with Chiku in 10 days and return to her home.

Shweta feels that Rishita is ruining her arrangement. Suman encourages Shweta to zero in on Chiku rather than the camera and quit carrying Chiku to Dhara for everything. Rishita inquires as to why Shweta gets miserable, in the event that she dislikes getting back to her folks’ home. Shweta denies it and says that she got connected to the Pandyas. Rishita says that she’s not leaving exceptionally far and can meet them at whatever point she needs.

Suman understands that the following day is her birthday and she will turn 60. Suman gets frustrated when Dhara doesn’t recollect her birthday. Shweta is in her room mourning. She accepts her companion’s call. Shweta requests that she give her an answer for her opportunity. Her companion concurs and requests that Shweta give her opportunity to think.

Dhara circles the 10th day when Chiku will take off from the house. She starts to sob uncontrollably. She shares with herself that she ought to disengage herself from Chiku. Krish observes this. Krish embraces Dhara to comfort her.

Rishita is showing the CCTV camera accounts on her telephone. Suman inquires as to whether she recollects whose birthday is the following day and blows up when Rishita additionally doesn’t recall her birthday. In the mean time, Raavi ventures home and gets into the house from the patio. Suman sees this through the CCTV camera fixed in the lawn.

Precap : Dhara is showering her adoration on Chiku. Shweta inquires as to whether she adores Chiku definitely, why she doesn’t embrace him. Rishita requests that Shweta converse with her folks right away and give Chiku’s legitimate authority to Dhara.

Also read: Pandya Store Written Update 7th September 2022

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