Pandya Store Written Update 7th September 2022:

Pandya Store Written Update 7th September 2022 on

Episode begins with police showing up at Pandya’s home to capture Raavi for committing extortion of 1,10,000. Raavi begins to cry. The remainder of the family comes out hearing Raavi’s crying sound. Raavi says that she lets the assessor know that she is honest and she has been violated. She says that her record got hacked. The family looks at Raavi’s record and is stunned to see Raavi’s charm photographs.

Rishita asks when she clicked those photographs. Raavi says that her photographs got altered and they were going to go to the digital cell to hold up a grievance. Suman desires Dhara to show the photograph. Suman is stunned and furious to see the photograph. Dhara causes Suman to comprehend that Raavi isn’t to blame, this isn’t her photograph, somebody altered it.

The overseer requests that Raavi come to the police headquarters. Raavi and Shiva say that Raavi isn’t even ready to sign into a record and the ledger subtleties given in her record aren’t hers. The monitor concurs and requests that they give subtleties to research. He encourages them to whine in digital cell.

In the mean time, Shweta is in the kitchen. She gets a call from her companion. Her companion gets some information about her arrangement to take off. Shweta says that Pandya women are excessively brilliant, particularly Rishita. Her companion encourages her to make a battle in the kitchen. Shweta likes the thought. Here Suman requests that Raavi stop her virtual entertainment action.

Dhara upholds Raavi and inquires as to why Raavi ought to abandon her work in light of the slip-up of another person. Suman keeps on reprimanding Raavi for maligning their loved ones. She restricts Raavi from making any recordings henceforth. In the kitchen, Shweta requests that Dhara keep the oil on the plate. At that point, she will get Chiku’s garments.

Rishita shares with Suman that Raavi ought not be rebuffed for another person’s error. All at once Shweta comes there. She encourages Raavi to make another record. Rishita says that it won’t help, since the programmer could hack the new record as well. She says that they ought to get the programmer. Rishita goes to get things to give a shower to Saachi. The fact that her profession was ruined makes raavi hopeless.

Dhara lets Shweta know that she warmed the oil and goes to give the boiling water. Meanwhile, Shweta overheats the oil to make a contention among Dhara and Rishita. Raavi accepts Shiva’s call and goes to a corner to join in. Shiva requests that Raavi emerge from the house from the secondary passage. Raavi slips away the house by means of the secondary passage.

Dhara actually looks at the water temperature with her fingers and blends cold water. Rishita brings Saachi there. Shweta purposefully utilizes extreme oil on Chiku and the last option begins to cry. Dhara takes Chiku from Shweta and admonishes her for applying inordinate oil on Chiku. Shweta begins her theatrics. She says that she is clueless.

Dhara says that she ought to learn. Rishita contacts the oil and is stunned to view that as it’s incredibly hot. She is going to yell at Dhara, yet quits recollecting Dhara really looking at the water temperatures.

She won’t completely accept that that Dhara overheated the oil without checking. She observes that something is off-putting. Shweta asks why Rishita didn’t as yet respond. Rishita scowls at Shweta. She reviews every one of the new occurrences and figures out Shweta’s insidious plot. She commitments to uncover Shweta’s reality.

Shweta is befuddled about why Rishita isn’t causing a situation. Rishita says that she needs to meet the advocate that Shweta proposed. She asks Shweta for the guide’s number. Shweta says that it was on her old telephone.

Dhara says that she has an instructor’s number. She is glad that Rishita consented to see the instructor. Dhara guarantees Rishita that she won’t grab her little girl from her. She says that they will all deal with Chutki and her mother as well. Suman concurs with Dhara. Rishita gets close to home and glad to hear this.

Shweta inquires as to whether she will deal with Chiku and train her as well. Rishita feels that Shweta is exploiting Dhara’s adoration for Chiku. She chooses not to allow Shweta to prevail in her arrangement and to show her a thing or two.

Precap: Rishita tells Suman to fix cameras in the house to screen the youngster. Shweta won’t fix cameras in her room. Rishita considers uncovering Shweta. Suman shares with Shweta that this is her home, so she will choose where to fix the cameras. Shweta imagines that her arrangement can never find success assuming cameras sort out in this house.

Also read: Pandya Store Written Update 6th September 2022

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