Pandya Store 7th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with Raavi reviewing Shiva’s words and saying that she can’t see him pitiful and pledges to make all is great. Dev asks Rishita where she is going. Rishita says for work. Dev blows up that she didn’t tell him. Rishita says that he will not be cheerful knowing it.
Dev asks still she’s doing. Rishita says that it’s her privileges and won’t say where she functions as she previously mixed up by blending her own life in with proficient and don’t have any desire to rehash it.

Shiva says to Gautam that he conversed with a provider, some basic foods are exorbitant, yet they get conveyed in seven days. Dev shows up there and requests that Gautam focus on Dhara passing on the shop liability to them.

Suman requests that Dhara sit and asks what is upsetting her. Dhara says that she is stressed over two things one with regards to IVF. Suman reassurs Dhara requesting to leave everything in God’s habd and asks what’s the subsequent one. Dhara says about Anita and Hardik proposition to be engaged and asks Suman’s viewpoint on it. Suman says that separated Prafulla, she doesn’t see any issue in this partnership and additionally Anita changed and gets some information about this to Hardik, she is with her.

Raavi catches this and misconstrues that Dhara has question on Abita, so she lied that Hardik is in Ahmedabad and leaves. Dhara says to Suman that she will converse with Hardik after he returns from Ahmedabad. Suman requests to zero in on her IVF treatment first then she can converse with Hardik about it and she will go with her. Dhara concurs and expresses gratitude toward her adage that Suman has answer for every one of her concerns.

Shiva comes to the kitchen requesting food to Dhara. Raavi is there and she says that she can likewise cook well. Shiva says that he isn’t eager any longer and goes to go, yet Raavi requests that Shiva not show his resentment on food and requests that he have food made by her. Not really set in stone to make him eat, yet Shiva rehashes he is irate. Rishita contacts her office and blows up on seeing Dev following her. She asks Dev how he set out to follow her.

Dev says that Rishita didn’t tell any choice and says that he’s her significant other. Rishita inquires as to why he has to know it and aska him to go and cautions him not to follow her ahead. Dev rejects. Rishita says that she will show him something new and begins yelling that Dev is prodding her. Raavi says that she’s Shiva’s better half and it’s her freedoms to make him eat. Shiva holds Raavi close him and says that they are battling since their adolescence yet they are remaining under the snar rooftop since he began to like her.

Shiva is going to confesa his adoration for Raavi, bit stops himself. He says that Raavi is a decent young lady and requests that she not change and don’t foster any misconception about Dhara Or this family which can demolish their future joy and leaves. Other hand two man attempt to beat Dev for prodding Raavi. Rishita requests that he leave and leaves.

In the night Gautam and Dhara talk about the IVF treatment that Dhara is going to strat the following day and express their satisfaction. Dhara says that she can hardly wait for 24 hours to end and says that she is concerned if all will be well this time. Gautam consoles her and embrace her. Rishita apologizes to Dev for her demonstration. Dev says that he will avoid her work and her as well assuming she needs and leaves.

Pandya Store 6th January 2022 Written Update:

Shiva and Raavi are in the kitchen. Shiva pours water on himself while drinking it. He takes Raavi’s will and wipea it. He is going to leave and quits requesting that Raavi leave his hand. Raavi says that it’s trapped. Shiva sees his arm band is left with her bangle. Shiva eliminates it while Rait zara si plays in the BG. Shiva leaves. Raavi is astonished that Shiva left without battling. Another Raavi shows up and says that Shiva quit battling with her after she battled with him the day he needed to astound her. She requests that Raavi admit her adoration him as he isn’t admitting.

Raavi gets glad understanding that she cherishes Shiva, however holds up till he admits the affection. Another Raavi says to get back to Disha for Shiva as she doesn’t adore him. Raavi says that no she will admit his affection before all. She quits seeing Shiva there, Shiva considers what befell Raavi. He says that he has come to take nourishment for him. Another Raavi demands Raavi to tell I love you. Raavi calls out and apologizes for the new day night, he arranged treat for her. Shiva says that it was his misstep and he won’t rehash it.

Precap: Dhara and Gautam take Suman’s gifts prior to going to the clinic. Kamini requests that somebody over telephone consume A wing and obliterate Pandya family dream.

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