Pandya Store 4th May 2022 Written Update:

Pandya Store 4th May 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with specialist saying that Gautam’s medical issue is terrible because of the fever stunning Dhara. He requests that the Pandyas stand by outside. Dhara faults herself for Gautam’s condition. Raavi says that it’s nobody’s slip-up. The following day morning. Dhara shares with Krish to not inform Rishita concerning Gautam’s ailment as she will come here to see Gautam leaving everything. She doesn’t believe her should lose the opposition. Krish concurs.

Rishita shows up at the opposition setting with Kriti. She sees that Pandyas haven’t as yet come. She considers calling them first, then, at that point, she drops that thought imagining that they will call assuming they need. Janardan and Kamini show up at Pandya house. He doesn’t track down Pandya family and inquires as to whether they stowed away getting frightened of losing. Suman emerges from her room. The fact that Rishita will win makes janardan sure. Suman shares with Janardan to have persistence and adds that Gautam’s heath got awful last evening and family surged him to the medical clinic.

At the clinic Pandyas are stressed over Gautam. Dhara sees the time and tells Shiva to go to the opposition as he is getting late while they will be here with Gautam. Shiva will not go leaving Gautam in this condition. Specialist comes and says that they need O negative blood for Gautam. Shiva says that he will give the blood. Dhara says that Krish will give the blood and requests that Gautam go to the opposition. Shiva says that he couldn’t care less about the opposition and solidly says that he will give Gautam blood.

Suman shares with Janardan that Rishita can undoubtedly win as Shiva won’t go leaving Gautam in this state. Shiva is giving blood to Gautam. Dhara cries recalling her minutes with Gautam. Raavi solaces Dhara. Other hand Rishita asks why Pandyas haven’t reached at this point.

The anchor says that the victor will get 10 lakhs cash in addition to subsidizing for his business thought. She calls Rishita on the stage. Suman, Janardan and Kamini watch the opposition live. Rishita presents her business thought to the appointed authorities. She says that her fantasy is to fabricate the greatest shopping center of Saurashtra which can satisfy all age bunches individuals’ requirements. She says that she anticipates that 1.5 crore should satisfy her fantasy. Rishita completes her show. Judges and group acclaim.

Dhara shares with Shiva to ponder his fantasy for him as well as their shop and requests that he leave. Other hand the anchor gets down on Shiva on numerous occasions. That’s what she says in the event that Shiva doesn’t come, Rishita will be announced champ. Rishita goes to the anchor and demands her to hang tight for five minutes saying Shiva should be stuck some place. Rishita telephones Kamini and says that she will not acknowledge the prize assuming Kamini has done something to Shiva. She would rather not win by cheating. Kamini says that she sat idle.

Gautam gians his cognizance. He shares with Shiva that he ought to be in the opposition now. He says that he hasn’t well since two days, yet he didn’t tell anybody so that Shiva’s opposition doesn’t get impacted. He says that he will fall flat in the event that Shiva doesn’t go. Shiva declines leave. Gautam says that Shiva needs to go for him. Dhara and Krish likewise tell Shiva to go. Dhara tells Shiva that she’s here and requests that he come subsequent to winning the opposition for the wellbeing of Gautam.

The anchor is going to report that Shiva is precluded from the opposition. All at once à ranchers comes to the stage. The man shows the wheet and expresses it’s from his field. He says that he endeavors to develop it, however he gets no benefit of selling it as the center man takes his benefit.

Next a potter comes and he likewise gripes about the center man taking every one of his benefits. Then a man, who lines garments says that he can’t run his family and teach his children even subsequent to selling garments as the center takes his cash. Swarm asks what’s going on, where Shiva Pandya is. All at once Shiva comes in and apologizes to all to make them hang tight for him. Swarm roots for Shiva.

Precap: The anchor reports the victor of the opposition. Shiva and Rishita look apprehensive.

Also read: Pandya Store 3rd May 2022 Written Update

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