Pandya Store 4th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with Raavi and Shiva contending. She requests her privileges. She says I have an issue that you would conceal many such matters in future assuming I don’t commit you understand the error. Anita meets Kamini and tells everything.

She says little battles are continuing. Kamini says we need to see that the battle continues, I have sent the pic, I will send the video soon. Shiva gets Raavi and Kamini’s pics. He thinks she has taken in this hogwash from Kamini. He stops Raavi. He asks did you go out before the party. Raavi says OK, Anita took me for shopping. He asks whom did you meet there. She inquires as to for what reason will I tell you.

She says I didn’t meet anybody. He asks sure. She says OK. He says OK and goes. Suman goes to Rishita’s room. She says you need to go to Maayka once more, the one who has a regard in Sasural has regard in Maayka.

Rishita says I have no regard here, my Sasural fouled up with my Maayka, what’s going on assuming they love me. Suman says its great they love you, I came to say cheerful new year, my three bahus are equivalent for me, I love you no different either way, I will go.

Suman says this year will not be glad for Dhara, Rishita and Raavi are vexed, its a sprinkle of a tempest coming. Gautam and Dhara have tea at the slow down. She says the kids have grown up at this point. He clarifies her. She says we should separate the privileges and obligations now, we will open financial balances for themselves and put benefits in it consistently. He says thought is great. She says I trust you. He says we trust ourselves. Suman comes to Raavi.

Suman comes to Raavi and gets some information about her outrage. She says you blew up that you weren’t associated with the arrangement, they concealed it from me. Raavi says you are the house, I m the piece of the house, they made me away. Suman says you are correct, I won’t separate your discussions, glad new year. Raavi likewise wishes. Shiva deceives rest. He misses Raavi. Raavi likewise misses him. They review their minutes. She says I feel hurt today. Roke na ruke… plays… .

Dev comes to Rishita and says kindly don’t do a task this time, I recall what happened when you worked. Raavi says all of you are Dhara’s ally. Dev says you don’t need Dhara’s IVF, fine, I will let Dhara know that we will give our child to her. They contend. Raavi goes out to Anita. Anita says I love Hardik a ton, converse with Dhara.

Raavi says I can’t promise it. Anita says you know it, accomplish something. Raavi embraces her. Shiva comes and looks on. Shiva says I need to break their association. Anita figures it will be fun when Shiva sees that video. She goes. Shiva and Raavi hear Rishita contending and hurry to see. Rishita says I won’t leave the work, you ought to spur me. She blows up on them. Dev stops her.

Pandya Store 3rd January 2022 Written Update:

She requests that he request that Shiva and Raavi leave. She says you don’t become junior Dhara to address me. Raavi says its like calling me sick. Shiva says you mean Dhara’s name is some ailment. Raavi says I didn’t imply that. Shiva takes her to the room. He says Anita is putting this at the forefront of your thoughts, you met Kamini on the lookout, tell me. Raavi is stunned seeing the video.

He says I had made a few dreams for you, you are compelling me to dump the fantasies, how might I take our connection ahead. She says dislike that, I had no expectation to stow away, I went to showcase, yet not to meet Bua. She tells how she saved Kamini’s satchel from a hoodlum. Kamini embraces her and much obliged.

Shiva gets some information about Anita, she is indoctrinating you. Raavi contends. She says Anita is enamored with somebody, she needs to wed. He asks whose house she needs to destroy. She says Hardik, she has substantiated herself right. He asks what rubbish, are you fine, for what reason are you talking seriously with Dhara, I m making a decent attempt to have our tuning, assuming you do this, then, at that point, I can never be yours.

Precap :Suman asks can Gautam and Dhara’s choice join the family. Dhara tells the choice to the family. Rishita contends. Raavi causes a situation at the store.

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