Pandya Store 23rd December 2021 Written Update:

The episode begins with Suman requests that Dhara sign the papers saying she need her child’s to be out of the jail. Later that they all comes out they will likewise sign the papers. Dhara tells that she wont sign the papers without everybody’s sign the property won’t name after Dev-Rishita’s. Rishita gets stunned. Rishita inquires as to whether the land named on her and Dev’s name.

Dhara advises Suman that she is prepared to utilize the cash which is in the bank however won’t sign the papers. Raavi says to Dhara that very much like how the land is everybody’s right the same way the cash in the bank has additionally everybody’s right so they have effectively concluded that the cash will be utilized for her IVF treatment. Rishita tells that Dhara thinks and needs everything and eveyone to be taken care of. Suman goes to her room and locks it.

Dhara Rishita and Raavi gete stressed and requests that she open it. Suman opens her room and starts reproving every one of them three while tossing things at them. They all stow away together under a sweeping which Dhara purchased.

Dhara asks Rishita for what good reason she is remaining under this sweeping which shocks Suman. Suman chides Dhara however Dhara tells that she will do everything except wont sign the papers. Rishita emerges from the cover and tells this time she isn’t likewise going to move in an opposite direction from her choice. She will take off from the house and begins to leave. Suman asks Dhara is she believe that she is securing the house satisfaction and solidarity by not marking the papers even presently Rishita needs to take off from the house what she will do about it.

The Pandya sibling’s comes to the house and inquires as to why Rishita needs to take off from the house. They all tumbles to the ground however stays strong with the assistance of their spouses. Dhara asks Gautam how they got bail to which Gautam tells that Janaradhan made them. Rishita tells that her dad satisfied his guarantee and presently it’s their chance to satisfy their guarantees. The Pandya sibling’s becomes confounded and takes a gander at Rishita.
Rishita tells the state of Janardhan and Kaamini ans brings the NOC papers and requests that they sign it saying her dad satisfied the guaranteed. Both Shiva and Krish tells that Janardhan isn’t a trust commendable individual however Rishita contends with him saying they have to this time since this time he satisfied the guarantee.

Pandya Store 22nd December 2021 Written Update:

Dhara stays obstinate so Rishita tells she will take off from the house and goes to her room and packs the garments of hers meanwhile saying that Dhara is a narrow minded individual yet here everybody is dazed by the phony love she iis appearing on them. Assuming that she signs the papers she can get appreciation from Janardhan and Kaamini however it wont happen now due to Dhara’s hardheadedness. Raavi requests that Dhara stop Rishita yet Dhara stays difficult.
Dhara pardons herself. Dev and Shiva additionally pardons themselves when they gets a message from Dhara. They all meets in the kitchen. Dhara tells Dev she loves Rishita the same way she prefers Raavi yet she isn’t understanding the things so its him sho requirements to take off from their home and go to remain with Janardhan to uncover his real nature to Rishita. Dev and Shiva tells it’s impractical however Dhara reminds them how they have taken their property papers from somebody who wrongfully grabbed it from them. Dev and Shiva gets glad.

Dhara and Dev-Shiva tells they shouldn’t tell this to anybody particularly Gautam Suman Raavi and Krish. Dhara gets stunned seeing Krish who acts and tells he ie here to drink water very much like them as it were. Both Dev and Shiiva cautions and undermines him to not to tell their arrangement to anybody but rather Krish lies he didn’t heard anything and leaves the spot. Dev stresses however Dhara tells Shiva is there to deal with Krish.

The Pandya’s sees Rishita is emerging from her room with a gear in her room. She tells it ought to have been halted on the off chance that Dhara marked the papers. Dhara lets Rishita know that there is no requirement for her to acknowledge her choice each time which infuriates Rishita so she chooses to leave yet Raavi stops her and asks Dhara for what reason she is inciting her like this. She then, at that point, requests that Rishita quiet down saying they’ll track down a way Raavi tells both Dev and Rishita can have the pay and handle their new shop in that manner the issue is arranged.

Krish nearly uncovers Dhara and Dev-Shiva’s by saying that Raavi destroyed their arrangement. Eveyone looks confounded. Shiva takes him and ties him then, at that point, hangs him topsy turvy and requests that other relatives focus on Rishita’s concern. Rishita tells that she concluded that she will take off from the house if Dhara dont sign the papers.

Dhara asks her to either help her in the kitchen or take off from the house. Shiva likewise converses with her discourteously. Gautam requests that Rishita not to leave saying this is her family to which Rishita tells she acknowledged them however individuals here didnt acknowledge her and this house is Dhara’s.

Suman mediates and tells its hers and requests that Rishita take off from however Rishita goes out. Dev tells that whatever happened today with Rishita isn’t right. They ought to have halted her by giving her bogus expectation however they didn’t. Shiva and Dev contends with one another and holds each other’s shirt when Dev furiously asks Shiva how could he converse with Rishita that way. Gautam isolates them and watns Shiva to not to cross his cutoff points. Dev tells that he needs to be a decent spouse who satisfy the obligations of a husband so he is likewise going out which shocks everybody.

Precap: Suman blames Dhara for breaking the solidarity for the house. Janardhan and Kaamini invites Rishita and Dev. Dev drinks the whole Kheer from the bowl. Janardha asks what’s his likely arrangement to which Dev determines what’s his has equivalent privileges on him excessively right. Janardhan and Kaamini gets stunned.

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