Pandya Store 19th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with Suman saying I won’t extra you now. She gets Prafulla. Prafulla yells and flees. Suman says I won’t ever lose. She cries. Dhara says there are many individuals in the house to adore you.

A man sees Dhara and says I have seen her some place. Suman implores at home and cries. She says its an excess of now, help my family, Dhara is guiltless, she never thought awful for anybody, and still, at the end of the day she got such difficulties. She appeal to God for Dhara.

Dhara gets back home with the child. Suman says Somnath will fix everything, except I can’t stay here, we will go above and beyond and save Shiva, we will document a missing report for Dhara. Dhara looks on. She says Suman doesn’t realize that police needs to grab Tara from me. She embraces the child and says nobody will remove you from me.

She stows away in the house. Suman and Kanta leave. Dhara says come, I will show you the house. She shows the sanctuary to the child. She tells about the relatives. She says we will trust that everybody will return. Prafulla says Shiva is in prison, where is Raavi, she didn’t return home, I need to proceed to converse with Kamini. Dev says I will call Gautam now and give the subtleties. His telephone falls in the water bowl.

Suman comes to the police headquarters. She requests that Kanta go at this point. She heads inside and meets the reviewer. She requests that he leave her child. He says nobody can meet him. She says let me meet. Rishita comes and asks by the thing right are you rejecting her, Shiva didn’t do in legal care, you can’t prevent Suman from meeting him,

I m simply reminding you the law. Suman inquires as to for what reason didn’t you come till now, you were in office, Raavi put Shiva in prison and vanished, Dhara and Gautam are missing. Rishita says I know it all, Gautam told me everything, I m attempting to observe Dhara, I have this news run on the channel, I had a go at everything,

where is Krish. Suman says don’t have the foggiest idea, my children are guiltless. Overseer says they are crafty, for what reason didn’t you help him to remain in limits. She says if it’s not too much trouble, let me meet him. He says OK fine, only 10 mins, meet him. Suman proceeds to meet Shiva. Rishita says sorry, I didn’t realize that Raavi didn’t rescue you, so I went to office. Shiva says its alright, your work matters to you, me and my family aren’t your need.

Pandya Store 18th January 2022 Written Update:

Suman says you are my property, not of any other individual. She says Dhara and Gautam are missing. Shiva asks how treat mean, they are as yet missing, shouldn’t something be said about Raavi. Suman says I don’t have any idea, she didn’t call me once, she drones Dhara’s name yet she is Prafula’s niece, she got you secured in the prison, I will rescue you.

Suman says I swear, Anita will come here to free Shiva. She goes to meet Anita and slaps her. She requests that Anita take the objection back. Rishita takes a police officer’s mask and captures Anita.

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