Pandya Store 15th July 2022 Written Update:

Pandya Store 15th July 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Gautam asking Dhara for what valid reason she needs to rival Suman which disturbs Dhara. Gautam understands his mix-up and apologizes to her. Be that as it may, she declines. Gautam requests that she make tea for him. Dhara requests to make it without help from anyone else. Gautam asks where every fixing is set. Dhara lets him know the area. She chastens him when and carefully guides make tea. Raavi shows this on live to her supporters her and acquainted Dhara and Gautam with the devotees.

Krish comes to Rishta and says that he needs to converse with her about his own matter. Rishita requests that he say. Krish causes Rishita to sit on a seat. He says that he cherishes a young lady. Rishita giggles declining accept that Krish can cherish a young lady. She says that she recollected the young lady with strip in the house. Krish says that wasn’t significant, however this is significant. Rishita quits snickering and asks who the young lady is. Krish contemplates whether he ought to tell Kirti’s name or not.

Raavi is collapsing garments while conversing with her devotees on live. Shiva sits close to Raavi and draws nearer to her. Raavi gets stressed that her live will get ruined on account of Shiva’s sentiment. Raavi signs Shiva to see her telephone. Shiva doesn’t grasp this and gifts a portable cover for Raavi. He asks how it’s. She says that it’s fine. Shiva says that he will get another.

Shiva sees her telephone. He asks how he is doing her telephone in the early morning. He says that the weather conditions is great and proposes taking a walk. He further says that she’s continuously adhering to her telephone, he will toss it in the well, assuming he lashes out. Raavi requests that he quiet down. She says that she will come shortly in the wake of waving bye to them. Shiva asks to whom. Raavi makes Shiva leave the room. Raavi waves bye to her devotees..

Shiva comes to Dev and requests to make a social record for him as Raavi is generally on the telephone. He says that he likewise needs to understand what the virtual entertainment is. Dev expresses him to not stress over Raavi, it’s her new leisure activity, she will before long get exhausted of it and will come after him like previously. Other hand Rishita requests that Krish tell the name of the young lady whom he cherishes. Krish says Kirti. Rishita is stunned and inquires as to whether it’s their Kriti. Krish gestures yes. Rishita lashes out and begins censuring Krish. She yells shut up when Krish attempts to make sense of her. Rishita furiously leaves. Dev is snapping Shiva’s picture for his virtual entertainment account profile. They hear Rishita yelling maa and go to check.

Rishita calls out maa. All accumulates. Rishita shares with Krish to let Suman know that he adores Kriti stunning all. Dhara comes to Krish and inquires as to why he didn’t come clean when she got some information about his bond with Kriti. Rishita applauds. She says that Dhara knows reality yet she upheld Krish as opposed to halting him. Dhara explains that Krish swore on her and misled her when she examined him concerning Krish. Rishita won’t accept Dhara and says that she doesn’t need the two families accommodate and needs more battles between the families.

Raavi reminds Rishita that she likewise adored Dev and numerous issues came. Rishita says that she knows and that is the reason she doesn’t need something similar for her sister. Gautam attempts to quiet her down. Rishita says that Krish and Kirti’s marriage won’t ever occur. She says that she’s not against adoration marriage and would have upheld Krish assuming he had cherished any other person. She yells why Kirti. Dev quiets Rishita down as her annoyance isn’t great for their child. Rishita requests that Dev make Krish comprehend. Krish noisily pronounces his adoration for Kirti. Shiva admonishes Krish and attempts to drag him away. Krish yells at Shiva and cautions that he will fail to remember he is his sibling. Shiva asks how he will respond.

Krish says that he will lift his hand stunning all. Shiva lift his hand to slap Krish. Be that as it may, Raavi and Dhara stop him. Krish says that they all have out of nowhere issue with affection when he cherishes Kirti. Rishita cautions to not take her name. She says that he needs to cherish Kirti notwithstanding knowing the issues between both the families. Krish inquires as to why Kirti can’t turn into this house’s girl in regulation when Rishita can. He yells what the issue is.

Rishita says that Dev was concentrating on MBA while doing in the store and doing a temporary work. She tracked down his future protected with him so she wedded him. She says that Dev wasn’t similar to Krish who is monetarily relied upon his siblings. She further expresses that there wasn’t any issues between their families as it occurred after their marriage. She says that her sister will not change like her and she doesn’t believe she should change here and goes through what she went.

Suman mediates and inquires as to whether she imagines that her sister will be tormented in this house. She says that Rishita is whining notwithstanding the great treatment she got in the house. She says that the doesn’t need Kirti in her home. Dhara requests that Suman quiet down. Rishita says that she won’t ever allow Kirti to wed Krish regardless of whether she needs. Dhara attempts to quiet down Rishita, yet to no end. Rishita cautions Krish to not plunder at Kirti from this point forward. She insults Krish. The last option immovably says that he will wed just Kirti stunning all.

Precap: Krish comes to the Seths’ home and tells Janardan that he adores Kirti and says that on the off chance that he doesn’t consent to their union, he will abscond with Kirti stunning all.

Also read: Pandya Store 14th July 2022 Written Update

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