Pandya Store 10th June 2022 Written Update:

Pandya Store 10th June 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Suman and Rishita asking Gautam and Dev how they got harmed to which they lie that they fell on the field. To redirect the points Dev requests from they have enlightened Shiva concerning his birthday celebration to which Rishita says that they didn’t tell him yet and making arrangements. Suman gets some information about the land. Gautam says that they sell it after Shiva’s birthday. Suman says they need to sell it soon and end this strain.

Raavi and Rishita express their fervor for Shiva’s birthday. At the garments shop Shiva chooses to get the dress for Raavi in portion. He demands to the proprietor to keep that dress separated and he will address it’s cost gradually. He concurs. Shiva pays 100 Rs as advance for the dress and 900 Rs for Krish for Krish’s dress and guarantees to take that dress in the wake of paying everything. The proprietor gestures alright.

Raavi awakens Shiva and wishes him on his birthday. He asks where the chocolate or sweet. Raavi says that she didn’t bring any of them. Shiva is going to kiss Raavi. The last option stops him and expresses him to get up. Shiva requests that Raavi kiss him consistently as that day is his birthday.

Raavi kisses on his cheek. He advises her that she needs to do it consistently. Raavi apologizes for not giving him anything. Shiva says that Raavi herself is a delightful gift in his life. All relatives show up to Shiva’s room and wishes Shiva on his birthday. Dhara takes care of him prasaad. Rishita prods Raavi inquiring as to whether she gave Shiva his birthday present.

Dhara and Rishita are making the dishes in the kitchen. Gautam comes to Dhara and inquires as to whether she has some cash. Krish comes and asks teo thousand for his school charges. Dhara checks and sees that she has just two thousands. Dhara tells Gautam to get cash for himself from elsewhere as it’s vital to pay Krish’s school expenses. Raavi comes to Dhara and solicitations to give her a cash to get gift for Shiva.

Krish says that he have loaned cash to his companion, so he will get it from him. He gives the cash to Gautam and leaves. Gautam says that he will gave a cash to Dev to get proportions, so he will get it from him and hands the cash to Dhara. He leaves. Dhara gives 1000 Rs and Raavi in the event that she can get gift for Shiva in 1000 Rs. Raavi says that 500 Rs is enough for her. She passes on in the wake of returning 500 Rs to Dhara.

Dhara sees her ring and chooses to contract it to tackle the issues of the house. Dhara does Shiva’s aarti and puts tilak on his temple. Raavi’s foot slips because of the water and tumbles down. The tilak gets clear it off. That’s what shiva stresses in the event that it’s anything but a terrible sign. Gautam assists Shiva with getting up. Dhara gets stressed for Shiva. The last option guarantees that he is fine. He leaves. Anyway Dhara looks stressed. Gautam shares with her to not take pressure, all is well. Dhara trusts something similar.

Raavi contracts her ring and gets 25,000 cash. She shares with the seth to keep her ring securely as it’s vital for her. Opposite side Rishita gets stunned hearing Dev saying that he will to show a thing or two to the individual who attacked their property. She asks Dev who attacked their property to which Dev says that Jeevan Lal.

Rishita asks how he can attack their property and inquires as to whether they deceived them. All relatives come there. Dhara gets some information about which lie. Rishita says that somebody attacked their territory stunning all. Dhara can’t completely accept that Dev affirms what Rishita said. He guarantees that they conversed with Mansoor and they will get their property. Dhara yells at Gautam for concealing the matter from them all.

Gautam legitimizes that he would have rather not ruined Shiva’s birthday. Shiva gets angry. Dhara quiets him down. Dhara gets some information about the individual, who attacked their territory. Gautam says that he has hardly any insight into him, he goes by Jeevan Lal. Shiva says that he won’t extra him. Suman gets stressed. Gautam consoles her and says that lawfully that land is theirs and it will remain theirs. Raavi faults her misfortune for all the issue.

Dhara yells at Raavi and droops her to quit giving herself more significant. She expresses that to contemplate how to get back their property is generally significant. Shiva prepares to leave taking a mallet. Gautam stops him and asks where he is going. Shiva says to get their property back, he is likewise a goo like him. Gautam attempts to quiet him somewhere around saying that he will figure it out this. Shiva develops resolved to take care of this issue alone.

Precap: Pandyas are joyfully moving. Raavi attempts to call Shiva. Shiva is on the way in a transport. Shiva’s transport meets with a mishap. Pandyas look stunned on hearing a thunder.

Also read: Pandya Store 9th June 2022 Written Update

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