Pandya Store 10th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with ward kid preventing Suman from going on. Kamini says we need to accomplish this work, without allowing anybody to question us, I will set this medical clinic ablaze. Anita asks what.

Kamini says relax, sit, we don’t need to kill anybody, there will be botches in disorder, let them know later that you came here for your treatment, Dhara’s document was left here and Gautam’s child came in your belly unintentionally. Anita asks what. Kamini says they won’t make you out of the house, they will not foul up with you, then, at that point, you will become extremely durable individual from Pandya house.

Suman says I trust Krish thinks that I’m here, Kamini and Anita were meeting like they are companions, Anita generally started things out in test, what happened now. Anita asks truly. Kamini says OK, there will be smoke in some time, relax, our work will be finished. Ward kid calls Kamini and says there is a woman here on wheelchair, she was attempting to hear your discussions, relax, I got her here.

Kamini sees Suman outside. She expresses why is she here. She thinks my work got simple here. Anita asks who came here. Kamini says Suman. Anita stresses. She says she will kill me, let me go. Kamini says keep mentally collected, be solid, we need to change our arrangement, she has seen you, possibly not me. She requests that Anita call Raavi. Anita says its great that I had called Raavi here, she will help me.

Dhara asks will everything get fine. Raavi checks out her. She goes to accept Anita’s call. Gautam says all will be great, relax, have the juice. Nurture says she shouldn’t take any food or drink. Dhara says Raavi came here to regard me, she is as yet angry with me. Anita says I have wounding stomach hurt, I came to the medical clinic, would you be able to come here. Raavi says I m likewise here, I m coming, don’t cry.

Nurture says specialist requested that you come in ICU. She takes the IVF compartment. She calls Kamini and says I got the compartment, I m coming. Suman asks the ward kid for what good reason is he watching out for her, is she a cheat. She sees Raavi and yells. Raavi goes.

Suman says perhaps Raavi has come to see Anita. Kamini requests that ward kid leave from that point. Krish requests specialist. Nurture says she is occupied in an activity. Raavi comes to Anita. Anita says I can’t endure the aggravation, where is Dhara.

Raavi says she is in holding up region, what occurred. Anita says there is a bunch in the uterus. Raavi asks what. Anita says specialist said he will do the crisis activity, expresses gratitude toward you have come, I can’t endure the aggravation. She embraces Raavi and says you are a decent sister. Suman calls Shiva and says my stomach is hurting a ton, Krish left me here, I m alone. Shiva says I will beat him, are you in much torment. She says OK. Kamini looks on.

Suman says I have seen Anita, perhaps she is sick, Raavi has likewise come here, Kamini is additionally here. Kamini hears her. Suman says Anita and Kamini seemed agreeable, come quick. Shiva says relax, I m coming. He considers Raavi. He requests that Kaka handle the shop. Kamini calls and says consume the A wing,

Pandya Store 8th January 2022 Written Update:

Dhara will run and her child will be in Anita’s belly. Suman sees Raavi and Anita. Anita sees Suman and stresses. She thinks will I end the arrangement. She asks did you let Dhara know that you came here. Raavi says no, I will call her. Anita says no, give me water, I feel better presently, go to Dhara, she really wants you. Raavi says no, Gautam is with her, I will be with you. Anita says you demonstrated you are a decent sister. Somebody pulls the wheelchair. Suman yells Raavi… Raavi turns.

Precap :Shiva asks where are Raavi and Anita. Shiva pursues Anita. Everybody looks on.

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