Nima Denzongpa 13th July 2022 Written Update:

Nima Denzongpa 13th July 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Police illuminates to Priyal she can leave now. However, she stops Mona there. Mona asks her she is additionally blameless so she really want to go out. Police says just Priyal gets bail. Priyal asks her how might she leave without her sister? Police requests that she stay in the Priyal denies it and says its most certainly Virat whom takes her out in bail.

So she will request that he take her out in bail. Priyal gets shock to see Alok there. He imagines like pleasant to her and says he knows that were honest. He requests that she illuminate Virat she is out. She calls to him Alok detaches the call there. Priyal feels lightheaded after hydrate.

Alok illuminates her he blended pills in it. Roy receives dubious and got a message from Alok. Nima is chatting with Krish on call. Roy comes there to take his weapon. Nima stops him and gains the matter from him. Roy compasses to the spot. Alok invites Roy and illuminates him that genuine Virat won’t come for Priyal however Roy comes for this young lady.

Alok uncovers to Priyal that she doesn’t have the foggiest idea about reality yet. Is Virat mental to go behind Priyal leaving Nima? He isn’t genuine Virat yet Roy who is dicto of Virat. Roy focuses firearm at him. Alok imagines like terrified and illuminates to him he had counterfeit weapon. He isn’t trick to keep unique weapon in his Almira. Alok says that he knows that he is certainly not a unique Virat in light of the fact that he was in his care.

Nima supplicates that he is alive and gets some information about Virat. Alok offers to him its nothing of him should be worrying about. Alok compromises him for what reason did he get back? Roy uncovers to him for the good of Nima. She has his personality card with her she undermines him to illuminate to police. Nima fears that she got found out. He flags her to pause. Alok says that Nima played an intriguing game with him.

Alok attaches Roy’s hand and requests him to hydrate. Priyal stops him thinking he will get woozy. Alok slaps Priyal so Roy hydrates. Alok offers to them he will keep both Roy and Priyal where he kept Virat. Alok says that Priyal going to appreciate with both Virat. Nima is concealing inside the vehicle.

Alok brings Roy and Priyal close to Virat. Alok offers to Priyal he is the first Virat. Nima sneaks inside the distribution center. Alok presents the two of them. Alok describes to Virat how did Roy went gaga for Priyal and put his life in danger for her. Virat asks him what’s he really want? Alok says that anything he really want he is able to take it. He shuts his mouth and shares with him that he was quiet here these numerous days why did he upsetting him now. Alok ties everybody there and illuminates to them this is their home here later. Nima stows away from them.

Alok tumbles down erroneously step on tire. Alok believes that this vehicle is number one to Virat and chooses to consume it. He saw the stead in secondary lounge. Nima attempts to deliver Virat there. Alok shares his distress to them. Nima asks him in the event that he want to kill them for what reason didn’t he do it in Sikkim. He says its right. He offers to him how could he feels shaky from youth days.

Also read: Nima Denzongpa 8th July 2022 Written Update

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