Na Umar Ki Seema Ho Written Episode Update 9th September 2022:

Na Umar Ki Seema Ho Written Episode Update 9th September 2022 on

Episode starts with hariprasad applauding Vidhi’s trustworthiness. Hariprasad says I won’t ever express no to anything to you about Dev, he has accomplished such a great deal for ourselves and we ought to help them in any case conceivable. Following day, Vidhi goes welcoming her mother and father.

Bimla says thanks to Hariprasad for allowing Vidhi. Hariprasad says this is on the grounds that it’s connected with Dev. Hariprasad says did you go to meet Dev yesterday? Bimla says OK and recalls her meet. Bimla gets close to home and says I want to let you know something, on the off chance that I don’t let you know then I will feel exceptionally remorseful.

Bimla says I was going for pujas in area yet I really began working in a saree shop to get some additional money, I’m heartbroken. Hariprasad likewise gets close to home and says I will pardon you on one condition. Bimla expresses out loud whatever? Hariprasad says you will likewise need to pardon me, I likewise lost my employment and presently I work in a similar spot yet not as a money individual but rather as a cleaning individual.

Bimla is stunned. Hariprasad says I have figured out how presently work is less. Bimla gets profound. Here, Dev and Vidhi come to Pratap. Pratap’s significant other welcomes them both. Pratap says seeing you Dev, I felt like I saw Shantanu alive. He embraces Dev. Dev gives Pratap a letter and says this is a letter father wrote in his last days for you. Pratap opens the letter and understands it.

Pratap’s significant other gets tea, Vidhi gets a call however disregards it and switches off of her telephone. Pratap says you know Dev, me and Shantanu generally had various considerations however our hearts forever was associated for that reason we were companions.

Pratap says Shantanu had exceptionally standard point of view and when Neeli came in my life Shantanu was against me for wedding a young lady a portion of my age so we had a major battle and isolated our ways however couple of months after the fact I got to realize Shantanu likewise needed to wed somebody a portion of his age, Satyavati, when Shantanu got sick, I attempted to proceed to meet him yet he stayed upset from me and didn’t meet me. Pratap says then I moved to realize he died and it was vet disturbing for me.

Pratap requests that Dev read the last para of the letter for Neeli. Dev peruses the last para and says how Shantanu composed – ” I won’t allow you to come here in paradise so soon Pratap, as you are exceptionally fortunate to have a spouse like Neeli.” Neeli gets close to home and cheerful. Pratap says see Neeli, Shantanu generally realized the proper thing yet was dependably distant from me. He additionally gets close to home.

Neeli gets a call so she goes and afterward calls Vidhi to come as it’s Bimla’s call. Vidhi proceeds to accept the call. Seema says I’m attempting to call from insofar as your companion called likewise attempted to contact you. Vidhi expresses out loud whatever’s the matter? Tell quick. Seema says you are currently an alumni, congrats. Bimla additionally gives all the best. Vidhi gets exceptionally blissful and asks them not to tell Hariprasad as she personally needs to tell him. They concur. Vidhi and Neeli return.

Dev tells Pratap, I have not invested a lot of energy with father as I was out of country for concentrates so I couldn’t want anything more than to advance additional about him from you. Pratap says you are welcome whenever. Dev says you ought to get back home at some point and meet mother also. Pratap says sure.

Dev says infact mother needs to meet Vidhi’s folks too so we can design something together or meet at Vidhi’s home too. Vidhi and Neeli take a gander at one another however at that point concur for the timebeing.

Dev and Vidhi are close to the vehicle when Vidhi enlightens Dev concerning her graduation result. Dev compliments her. Vidhi says it’s all a result of you and the certainty I landed in light of the position.

Vidhi says recall you said in the event that I saved a party for my outcomes you will attempt to come so this sunday I’m arranging a party for my graduation result, will you come? Dev says I will attempt my level best. Vidhi gets miserable. Dev then guarantees that I will come without a doubt. Vidhi gets extremely cheerful.

Here, Seema shows a congrats card to Bimla that she made for Vidhi. Bimla acclaims her and figures Hariprasad will be so pleased with her. Afterward, Vidhi is close to her home, when she understands that she has not educated Hariprasad at this point so she goes to Hariprasad’s shop and finds Hariprasad cleaning the floor and the workers their requesting that he clean it pleasantly.

Vidhi feels miserable and cries seeing him. Vidhi thinks Hariprasad is going through a harsh time yet he won’t impart to her as he would rather not get subject to her. Vidhi gets extremely stressed for Hariprasad and strolls towards home.

Precap – Amba illuminates Dev about house warming party on sunday for Chitra. Dev consents to be available. Here, Seema inquires as to whether a bustling man like Dev, truly come to a little party of theirs? Vidhi begins thinking.

Also read: Na Umar Ki Seema Ho Written Episode Update 8th September 2022

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