Muskurane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 19th July 2022 Written Update:

Muskurane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 19th July 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Yuvraj joining his sibling and Mom. He is sorry to them for joining recently. He requests that they start the music. Tony looks for the change to switch off the light. Manju enters inside with a mauli for Katha. She thinks why nobody is accessible in the corridor. Bhushan figures Tony will book him. That time he get a call. Bhushan disengages it. Manju asks who is under the mandap. Tony calls Yuvraj and cuts the power supply. Manju attempts to see who’s under the mandap with versatile torchlight however Kishore calls her and requests that she emerge. She leaves then Bhushan begins to cut the points of support.

Manju meets Katha and acclaims her wedding look and tells her Kabir can’t take his eyes from her. Savitri says they need to enter inside rapidly. Yuvraj advises them that another custom is left and requests that Uma invite Kabir by squeezing his nose. Uma gets it done. Yuvraj warms the sound through the telephone and thinks work isn’t finished so he makes everybody occupied with his dance execution. Manju ties mauli and requests that Katha not feel tense as Kabir will take great consideration of you and I will be in your group as well. Katha says Kabir won’t ever let her deal with any issue. Manju embraces her telling she is ideally suited for their Kabir.

Yuvraj requests that Bhushan accomplish the work rapidly as I can’t stop Baarat for additional time. He sees his telephone is dead. Savitri enters inside the mandap. Yuvraj sees lights are on and thinks work is finished. He enters inside and notification Mandap is fine. Yuvraj approaches his companions and inquires as to why they didn’t complete his work. Bhushan says the machine is broken in the end second and I cut 4 screws and one is left and the mandap may get broken whenever. Savitri and Kabir call Yuvraj to come on the stage. Yuvraj enters the stage and he sees each support point with doubt and feels stressed for his family’s wellbeing. He requests that his companions not let mandap gets broken. He sends everybody from mandap saying something. He ponders how to save Kabir.

Katha lets her mom know that she is feeling tense. Uma requests that she trust Naini maa as she will be with you and Kabir won’t allow you to deal with any issue. Kabir calls Kishore to be with him as he is his defender. Yuvraj calls for water. He drops water on Kabir and requests that he change his dress. Kishore says there is no time for it. Yuvraj demands him. Pandit says muhurta time is approaching and he requests that they bring the lady of the hour. Kabir sees Katha coming first floor.

Precap – Kabir will feel cheerful seeing Katha. Yuvraj will see mainstay of the mandap are going to fall on Kabir. He will save Kabir from the incident however the support point falls on him. Everybody will be concerned yells Yuvraj. Katha will see that and yells Kabir.

Also read: Muskurane Ki Vajah Tum Ho 18th July 2022 Written Update

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