Molkki 31st December 2021 Written Update:

Purvi drops books. Manas is shaking. She lets him know that it is fine. I dropped books accidentally. She sees him shuddering and searches for fabric. She observes one more pair of garments and helps him change.

He stresses that the thugs may come here. She is certain it wont occur. This current storm cellar’s storeroom was locked for quite a while. We should hush up. Virender requests water in his oblivious state. She assists him with drinking some water. She becomes stressed. His injury should be dealt with quickly or his condition will deteriorate.

Don’t have a clue what we ought to do as Ma’s thugs are outside. Manas asks her till when must they stay here. For what reason is Dadi so terrible? Purvi says disdain and envy transforms individuals into that. This is what befallen Dadi. Relax. I’m here. He inquires as to whether Baba will be fine. She guarantees him about it. He gets frightened as couple of books fall once more. She comforts him.

Prakashi and Chanda are in the school. Barely any columnists report to Prakashi. Peon illuminates Prakashi that the guardians regarding the children are making an uproar outside. Prakashi giggles. That is the thing that I need. I need them to take out their resentment on that Molkki. They should kill her! Put some blood on a child’s shirt and toss it outside. Spread the word outside that the children have been held here as prisoner.

Also read; Molkki 30th December 2021 Written Update:

No parent should come inside. He guarantees her about it. Prakashi pays cash to the columnists. Accomplish your work as taught. Part of the gang ask her what she needs. You made Purvi’s dad the proprietor of a production line while you are requesting that these children make fireworks. Presently you have called journalists here. What are you up to? She lets him know that nobody can sort out what she can. Try not to pose an excessive number of inquiries. Watch out for the journalists. They ought to accomplish their function admirably.
Columnists begin getting out the word against Purvi. They additionally suggest conversation starters with regards to how a jobless individual (Purvi’s dad) out of nowhere became proprietor of a plant. They show the clasp of children next. Purvi has made these children make fireworks. What is she truly up to? The thug acclaims Prakashi on her arrangement.

Purvi continues to urge Virender to open his eyes. Specialist can return from the entryway. I wont let anything happen to you.

Virender has lost cognizant. Purvi video calls Anjali. Anjali is with doc in an auto. They let Purvi know that the group outside the entryway wont let them come inside. Doc reasons that Virender’s requirements fastens right away. He has lost sufficient blood as of now. Purvi requests that he guide her on the video call. Anjali asks her what she will do. Purvi answers that she will do Virender’s lines. I see no other choice than this. Doc concurs.

Prakashi’s thug gives bread rolls to kids. Continue your work a while later.

Prakashi slaps a person as he tells her that Virender and his significant other can’t be found. Prakashi asks him for what valid reason she should pay them when they are planning something sinister. She advises Chanda to guarantee the children a frozen yogurt whenever they are finished. She teaches the correspondents to film the children again when they are finished eating.

A young lady advises Prakashi that they need to return home. Why wont you let us go? Prakashi baits her with bread rolls and frozen yogurt. I would rather avoid it either however I should do this to rebuff a terrible lady. Juhi says I realize you are discussing my haathi. It isn’t she however you who are shrewd! Let me know where Manas is. I need to meet him. Prakashi misleads her that she will take her to Manas. You just made my day. She goes with Juhi.
Manas puts cold strips on Virender’s head as Purvi makes prepares for lines. Purvi adheres to specialist’s guidelines. She requests that Manas shut his eyes. Manas inquires as to whether this will hurt Baba. She says a bit. He shuts his eyes. She cries as she cleans Virender’s injury and later join it.

Guardians ask those monitoring the door that they should release their children. Peon lets them know that it is Choti Mukhiyayin’s structure. She needs abundant fireworks to observe New Year. Parent’s explanation that their children should be ravenous however peon continues terrifying them utilizing Purvi’s name. She wont spare the children on the off chance that you wont quit causing this uproar.

Purvi keeps sewing Virender’s injury.

Individuals begin yelling trademarks against Purvi. Prakashi’s men let Prakashi leave in her vehicle with Juhi. Juhi asks her where her sibling is. Prakashi focuses at the gathering of individuals. Manas is standing not too far off. He is calling you. Juhi gets down and shouts to Manas. A man sees her. Everybody grasps her till the time Purvi liberates their children. Prakashi grins. My work is finished. She leaves.

Anjali acclaims Purvi. I had found out about Savitri once yet I saw one myself today. I will tell Jeth ji everything once he recuperates. Purvi inquires as to whether Virender will be fine soon. Doc guarantees her about it. Purvi thanks the two of them. Anjali tells her that she can never reimburse her approval. Deal with yourself and Jeth ji. Purvi gestures. They end the call. Purvi tells Manas not to stress. Babbar Sher will awaken soon.

She plays a video to divert him. Purvi addresses Virender. I was truly frightened to see you in this manner. I figured I will truly lose you today. Past recollections streak to her. Manas shows her a video cut. Guardians let journalist know that they will hold Purvi’s girl as a prisoner till the time Purvi wont free their children. Juhi demands Purvi to save her. I’m truly apprehensive. I haven’t done anything wrong. A woman moves Purvi to relinquish their children assuming that they need Juhi. Purvi understands that this was Ma’s doing. I should free the children some way or another however how?

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