Molkki 28th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode starts with Gajraj will not kill Purvi. Prakashi inquires as to whether he is kidding and how could he to deny her. She lets him know that he needs to kill Purvi and afterward he can go any place he needs to go and he ought not fail to remember that he is remaining in the castle in light of her. He tells her that Purvi won’t come before her again yet he can’t kill Purvi. She lets him know that she needs Purvi to kick the bucket. He says that he adores Purvi so he won’t kill her. She asks him that didn’t he get another person to adore. He tells her that he won’t kill Purvi and furthermore he won’t allow anybody to kill Purvi. She lets him know that Purvi won’t cherish him and condemns his face. He leaves from that point.

Then again, Yogi brings Anjali home. He gives medications to her. She sees that medications are costly and asks him that how he organized cash to purchase them. He requests that she leave that matter. Purvi changes the point. Manas requests that Anjali play with him. Purvi lets him know play with Yogi on the grounds that Anjali needs to get some rest. Yogi shouts in torment while playing with Manas. Anjali takes off his shirt and notification wounds. She asks him that what befell him. Virendra uncovers about Yogi’s work. Yogi lets Anjali know that he is fine. Purvi imagines that she likewise needs to secure position.

Also read: Molkki 27th January 2022 Written Update:

Gajraj checks out himself in the mirror and he reviews Prakashi’s words. He says that he used to look attractive and he sees Satyam’s face in the mirror. He says that Purvi loves him and she couldn’t care less with regards to his face. He reviews that how his face consumed after bomb impact. Kids prodded him and Purvi requested that they not bother him. She asks Satyam that for what good reason he is concealing his face. He educates her regarding his face. She inspires him saying that he should adore himself and character matters more than looks. He comes to the real world and inquires as to whether she cherishes his heart. He says that he realizes that she cherishes him.

Then again, Principal lets Purvi know that he can’t recruit her as instructor as a result of Prakashi. She attempts to land position from beauty parlor however she didn’t get it. She lands cleaning position and the proprietor of the house attempts to make trouble with her. She pummels him and runs from that point. He pursues her. She tumbles down. Gajraj comes there and cautions him to not come before Purvi once more. He shots him which shocks Purvi. She inquires as to whether he ended up being frantic. He reproves her for taking care of business.

He arranges his driver to drop Purvi in her home. She says that she can go alone. He tells her that he won’t leave her leave be. She imagines that she can get insights regarding Gajraj from driver and gets in the vehicle. Driver takes the vehicle to repairman shop. She sees Virendra and asks him that what is he doing there. He illuminates her that he is filling in as specialist. Furthermore he gets some information about vehicle. She deceives him that, that is her companion’s vehicle.

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