Molkki 23rd November 2021 Written Story:

The Episode begins with Virendra tells Purvi that he is going to do all of his works from palace until Renu’s matter gets solved. He notices that she didn’t hear him and asks her that what is she thinking about and why she seems worried. She tells him that she feels that Renu is angry with her. He tells her that maybe Renu is upset with something. He decides to celebrate his and Purvi’s marriage anniversary. He informs about party to Renu.

She asks him that what will she do in his party. He tells her that he will introduce her to everyone. He asks her to go for shopping. Purvi tells her that she will take Renu out for shopping. He nods at her and leaves the room. Renu thinks that Purvi’s father is responsible for her suffering so she hates Purvi too now. She decides to hide the truth from Virendra for his sake. Virendra informs others about party and warns them to not create any drama.

Next day, Virendra gives gift to Purvi for their marriage anniversary. She tells him that she forgot to bring gift for him. He tells her that her smile is his gift. She reveals that she lied to him and gives gift to him asking that how will she forget his gift. Sakshi sees everything and thinks that she is waiting to give huge gift to them and leaves from there.

Prakashi tells Sakshi that everything seems normal then what about blast. Sakshi asks her to wait and see. Virendra introduces Renu to his guests. He welcomes Purvi’s parents. Renu gets shocked seeing Purvi’s father and screams in fear. Purvi asks her that what happened to her. Renu pushes her which shocks everyone.

She points at Purvi’s father and reveals that she became a dancer because of him and it’s him who took her to that place. She informs him that she saw his picture from album and pleads Virendra to save her. Purvi’s father tries to say something but Virendra stops him and asks his guys to take Purvi’s father to a room. He assures Renu saying that he won’t let anything happen to her.

Also read: Molkki 22nd November 2021 Written Story:

Later, Purvi tells Renu that now she understood that why the latter is angry with her. She says to her that it’s her father who spoiled her life too. She informs her that she also hates her father. Renu asks her that what he did with her. She tells her that her father sold her too which shocks the latter. She says to her that her father can stoop any low for money and she is lucky that she got Virendra. She apologizes to her on behalf of her father. Renu apologizes to her for punishing her. Virendra overhears their conversation and decides to not forgive Purvi’s father.

Prakashi praises Sakshi for bringing Purvi’s father. Sakshi tells her that it’s just a beginning and recalls that how she heard it when Renu was talking about Purvi’s father. Prakashi tells her to play safe otherwise Purvi herself may send her father to jail.

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