Mere Sai Written Update 27th September 2022:

Mere Sai Written Update 27th September 2022 on

Satyeshwar shares with Balvant, I had found Jagdish the day you compromised me and I realized you would utilize him against me and you have no clue about how shrewd I am. Balvant shares with him, you played well however you will not have the option to bargain my best course of action and leaves.

Prema tells Satyeshwar that Balvant will not keeo calm. Satyeshwar says with Balvant we have Sai and Kulkarni against us as well thus illuminate everybody we will pass on to Nashik straightaway. St Nick Banta educate Kulkarni regarding Satyeshwar’s arrangement. Kulkarni exceptionally cheerful seeing Sai couldn’t stop Satyeshwar and makes an arrangement.

St Nick Banta illuminate entire town that Satyeshwar is leaving Shirdi with their relatives.
Everybody hurry to Sai for help. Ramkishan tells everybody Sai isn’t in Dwarka Mai, he went to some place close to Shirdi. Kulkarni strolls to everybody in Dwarka Mai and say look how your Sai left all of you in this condition, Sai ranaway.

Keval tells Shirdi Prem Sainik’s mightn’t we at any point see our family one’s before we leave. Satyeshwar says when all of you are pushing ahead why become involved with past and all of you have made vow to leave your loved ones. Malhar says we need to be with you however only ones last time. Satyeshwar says certainly not we are leaving immediately and we have greater mission of Prem Sena and later all of you can meet your families.

Kulkarni shares with everybody, you aimlessly upheld Sai and he ranaway and its generally your problem for putting stock in Sai and sat idle, on the off chance that Sai could help you for what reason didn’t he and regardless of whether he was here how might Sai respond. Baizmaa says my Sai can manage anybody. Kulkarni says why did he take off and nobody can aave your families and leaves.

St Nick Banta ask Kulkarni for what valid reason isn’t he halting them. Kulkarni says let these individuals leave and afterward they will get familiar with their illustration.

Keval tells Satyeshwar that building Prem Sena will take part of time, and entire Prem Sena is leaving who will deal with my family, you guaranteed me. Satyeshwar says you feel a little uncertain on your master. Keval says I have no questions just. Satyeshwar says I allowed you every one of the an opportunity yet you l have no faith in me, all of you have crossed every one of your cutoff points.

Satyeshwar expresses not many of our Prem Sainik have lost their way and presently others will deal with them and ensure they don’t leave us. Shirdi Prem Sainik are compelled to remain.
Keval goes to Sai, and says assist me I with having figured out my error.
Sai sees Keval’s request in a fire.

At Dwarka Mai, individuals get stressed. Patil says have confidence Sai won’t dump us. Baizmaa says any place Sai is, he is dealing with our concern and till Sai comes we will stop Satyeshwar. Everybody concurs.

Ramkrishna hears this and says I’m behind the issues of this individuals and I ought not be alive, Sai converses with Ramkrishna through fire and says don’t runaway from your missteps, fix them.

Sai visits one cottage, a couple glad to see Sai and welcome him. Sai takes a gander at the man on bed and says I know him, and strolls to the man and puts his hand on his temple.

Ankur, Keval, Malhat ask Satyeshwar to let them go. Shirdi individuals show up before Prem Sainik’s. Keval yells Baba help us they are driving us. Ankur says OK assist us they with having caught us, kindly assistance us. Patil asks Satyeshwar for what valid reason is this constraining.

Satyeshwar says I need to on the grounds that all of you are childish and demolishing their future, look this is how family treats you, they pull you down yet I care about all of you and have made vow for your prosperity thus I will battle you and won’t let you go.
Baizmaa says Satyeshwar you don’t know significance of affection and family, family share distress and joy energetically however you force others and today you have demonstrated you are off-base.

Satyeshwar requests that his Prem Sena step forward and battle others. Prem Sainik say Maharaj simply needs really great for your children don’t battle, Satyeshwar says don’t fend talking go push them off. Prem Sainik confounded yet step forward and push Shirdi individuals. Kevals father tumbles down and it gets blustery and Sai shows up.

Pre cap: Prem Sainik and Shirdi individuals against Satyeshwar. Baizmaa in Dwarka Mai shares with Sai, I believe you should have a house and family here as we do. Sai says even I figure we ought to.

Also read: Mere Sai Written Update 26th September 2022

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