Mere Sai 6th January 2022 Written Update:

Gayatri becomes energized as Supaan enters with books. She advises him to clean up. I will keep the books. Supaan lets Uma know that books have become too costly nowadays. I need to set aside cash for something different too. She asks him what it is nevertheless he advises her to hang tight for the perfect opportunity.

Gayatri tells Supaan her books are not here. Supaan gestures. You needn’t bother with them. I have considered something great for you which can become productive very soon. Gayatri demands that she needs to study. I was cheerful since morning that you will bring new books for me yet! Supaan answers that he has considered something for her. She lets him know that she just needs to study. I need nothing else.

Ajji tells her not to be obstinate however Gayatri runs outside upset. Uma inquires as to whether there is no hope. She truly needs to study. He says she doesn’t need to become Collector. Why bother of her concentrating on then, at that point? She gets some information about tomorrow. He advises her to believe that tomorrow is an extremely important day. I can’t see you at the present time. Set nourishment for Gayatri. I will assuage her and bring her home.

Gayatri is crying outside. He steps on the sonnet she had been composition on the sand and apologizes to her. I dint truly see it. She gestures. Supaan advises her to comprehend that he needs more cash to send each of them 3 to school. She offers to bring in cash for her tutoring yet he rejects. I wont make my girl work and use her cash. You should do as I say. Skipping your dinner wont assist with finishing things.

Sai lets Gayatri know that sonnets composed on sand can vanish however the sonnet in my mind won’t ever be cleaned. He rehashes her sonnet and wipes her tears. He offers her organic products. She shares that Baba has wouldn’t send her to school. How might I ea then, at that point? Sai offers to help her. She asks Him how He will do it. Sai acquaints her with Srikanth ji.

Mere Sai 5th January 2022 Written Update:

He will show you from tomorrow first thing. She grins briefly however at that point gets strained. Baba wont concur. Sai tells her not to stress over it. I will come to take you to school tomorrow first thing. I will conciliate him then, at that point. She grins. I’m abruptly feeling hungry. These guavas look delicious. He gestures at her. she expresses gratitude toward Him and takes the guavas. Sai sends her home. Srikanth ji tells Sai it wont be not difficult to persuade Supaan. Will he get it? Sai says Allah Maalik.

Supaan tells his mom the extraordinary news that he was stowing away from everybody (in quiet).

Gayatri tells her mom a sonnet on Sarojini Naidu. Uma is intrigued. Where did you meet her? How has she turned into your Guru? Gayatri shares that she was facilitating an occasion close to our home in Bombay and that is the place where I heard her interestingly. She is an incredible lady, speaker and social specialist. I need to become like her.

Supaan’s mom upholds him in his choice. I’m certain things will work out. Supaan is stressed that Gayatri is difficult. Will she concur? His mom offers to coax and persuade Gayatri. she will overlook her concentrates soon. Hopefully things sort out soon.

Gayatri lets her mom know that Sai met her today. He proposed to take me to school tomorrow in the wake of persuading Baba. I will actually want to go to class soon. Uma grins.

Next morning, Gayatri asks her mom when Sai will come. Uma reasons that it isn’t the ideal opportunity for school. Gayatri gets some information about Supaan. Sai needs to converse with him all things considered. Uma is dumbfounded. Ajji requests that Uma make sheera. Uma inquires as to whether there is something unique today. Ajji says there is huge information for Gayatri. Gayatri feels that Baba may have consented to Sai’s solicitation and got me conceded me school. Supaan enters all at once.

Gayatri embraces him. Supaan inquires as to whether she let Gayatri know that her marriage has been fixed. His mom is glad at the information and says thanks to God. Uma embraces Gayatri. Srikanth ji welcomes them and acquaints himself with Supaan’s mom. Gayatri gets some information about Sai. Srikanth ji presents Joshi ji. He is from a higher position. He needs to address Supaan. Supaan welcomes him. How would I be able to help you? Joshi ji acclaims Gayatri on her ability.

She is extremely shrewd. We have chosen to give her grant for a considerable length of time. You wont need to spend even a penny on her schooling for a very long time. To proceed with it then we will keep on supporting her. Supaan says thanks to Joshi ji for the proposition yet respectfully dismisses it. I have fixed her marriage today just so she wont have the option to proceed with her concentrates now.

Srikanth ji reasons that she is only 12 at this moment. She needs to study and Sai needs her to concentrate as well. That is the reason he sent me to Joshi ji. You realize He generally does best for everybody. Try not to conflict with His desire. Supaan says I regard Sai and you yet my choice is conclusive. The family is great and well-off. She will be cheerful there and it isn’t extremely distant from us. Tell Sai that I have recently met them in the visitor house. They will come tomorrow to meet us.

Gayatri requsts him not. Your concern was that you were unable to bear the costs of 3 children. Mine is free at this point. Allow me to concentrate please. Supaan advises her that he is her dad. I will choose for you. Srikanth ji lets him know that he is going until further notice as he doesn’t appear to be fit to comprehend or pay attention to anybody at this moment. However, your choice will hurt Sai. Supaan demands that this is the custom of their scoeity. We are not Vairagi like Sai. We should submit to the guidelines.

Gayatri believes that she had confidence in Sai that He will persuade Baba. Damu says that He helps everybody. However, wy dint He help me? Supaan advises her to quit crying. Young ladies your age get invigorated subsequent to hearing such news. You will get new garments and adornments. She lets him know she doesn’t need all that. I just need to study. How about you get it? Don’t you cherish me? he answers that he does.

Guardians should settle on choices for their children. You disagree at this moment yet your psyche will change in the wake of meeting your significant other, your parents in law and subsequent to seeing your new house. You will fail to remember this soon. She attempts to reason yet he waits. This will happen sometime. Going to class for not many more days wont change anything. She attempts again however he clarifies that his choice is conclusive. Acknowledge this soon. It will be really great for you.

Supaan advises Uma to persuade Gayatri. she asks him what she ought to do. You dint even tell me prior to fixing our little girl’s partnership. He tells her that she gets her expectations up in the first place itself. I needed to tell you once things get concluded. I told Ma the previous evening as it were. Prepare her tomorrow. Her parents in law will come to see her. Uma regrets that there is no compelling reason to hurry. She has quite recently come to live with us.

He says this is what I was talking about. A dad isn’t merciless however he is more grounded with regards to settling on such choice for little girls. You additionally got hitched at a similar age. Did something wrong happen to you? It will approve of Gayatri too. This is the practice. He leaves. Uma says this is for sure the custom. Moms were are as yet not counseled when the relationships of their girls sort out. She goes to Gayatri. Gayatri embraces her mom and cries. I would rather not get hitched at the present time!

Joshi ji and Srikanth ji are disillusioned with Supaan’s choice and choose to illuminate Sai to stop the wedding. They come to Dwarkamai. Keshav illuminates them that Sai is thinking. He said that nobody should interfere with Him. Joshi ji says no one but He can accomplish something however we can’t upset Him at the present time. Want to tell this to Him some way or another. Srikanth ji grins as he strolls in. He is reflecting however He is nearer to His enthusiasts while He is ruminating. There is no compelling reason to let him know anything. I’m certain He can comprehend Gayatri’s circumstance.

Precap :Gayatri imparts her sonnet to Sai in Dwarkamai. Sai envisions her in wedding clothing and tears.

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