Mere Sai 4th May 2022 Written Update on
A man reprimands his workers says, our truck wheel broke, assuming something will happen to my little girl how might I respond?
Sai sees Sripaji and his better half and asks them for what good reason are they still here, and for what reason didn’t they go to their granddaughter for her wedding courses of action. Sripaji gets out whatever courses of action. Sai says for what reason are both of you so stressed.
The man implores God for his little girl says my little girl’s life is in peril if it’s not too much trouble, save her, if it’s not too much trouble, help me.
Sripaji tells Sai, I am a poor and didn’t you comprehend I am here with a desire for help from you, you helped everybody, you could help us as well and give us something to help ny little girl monetary. Sai says I gave pomegranates. Sripaji tells Sai, it would have been exceptional on the off chance that you didn’t give anything. I don’t need this and tosses it.
It falls in the man ‘s feet. He strolls to Sripaji and requests pomegranate and says it will help my little girl. Sripaji gives him all organic products. Man expresses thankyou for them, how might I much obliged. Sai says they came here to take endowments for their granddaughter you favor her as well.
Man shares with Sripaji you saved my girl, and your granddaughter resembles my little girl will make game plans for her wedding, don’t leave I will return subsequent to giving medication to my little girl and leaves. Sai shares with Sripaji, Baba Mai are your concerns over at this point. Mai says OK our concern is addressed, yet we misconstrued you, kindly pardon us. Sai favors them.
Tejasvi cooking, Keshav strolls to her and says its exceptionally hot here, let me open windows, the air is great here. Tejasvi says don’t, factories brown haze comes in, you sit will serve food. Keshav says you cooked this. Tejasvi says OK little festival for your new position. Keshav says that is great yet where did you get cash from.
Tejasvi says from your Shirdi reserve funds you gave me. Keshav says Tejasvi this way will wind up in a tight spot financially. Tejasvi says its pricey here, and I have never made it happen. Keshav says we should learn, really reconsider you purchase and don’t wear such a lot of gems individuals then fool you. Lights go off. Tejasvi says here consistently lights go off.
Keshav’s mom in his room. She misses Prahlad.
Sai converses with a bird abd follows the bird expressing tumbled from best where is he.
Keshav educates Tejasvi concerning War and how is organization sends officials for war and give them necessities and do you have any idea about how I landed the position. Prahlad awakens because of train commotion. Tejasvi says he is becomes disappointed along these lines.
Keshav’s mom thinks Keshav my child are you fine and blissful.
Sai converses with bird and says I comprehend ypur torment, however when your kid attempts to fly, he will continue falling yet we can’t quit flying since we are frightened of falling, we ought to continue to attempt. Birds fly. Sai grins.
Srinivas shows Keshav godown and says in the event that Shankar Seth can give work he can remove as well, so work appropriately and leaves. Keshav petitions Sai and begins his work.
Kids ask Sai for what good reason is he eating unpleasant neem. Sai says for inward decontamination and sats come let me make sense of you.
Srinivas and his partners take fundamentals from godown and talk about how might we manage Shankar he is little excessively fair. Srinivas says we will track down an answer.
Sai shows ladoos to kids and asks them to notice them cautiously. They says ladoo looks great. Sai opens ladoo and shows its empty from inside. Sai says since subterranean insects ate them and this is the means by which our psyche and body is and in the event that we don’t deal with our body it will be inclined to sicknesses, additionally avoid pessimism it ruins our psychological harmony.
Prahlad goes to class and hardly any children ask him in English, is he joining their school and where does he stay. Tejasvi says answer them you know English as well. Kids mock Prahlad and leave. Tejasvi tells Prahlad, don’t concern one day even you will learn great English, and you will be a ruler and all will recognize you.
Prahlad tells Tejasvi I don’t need this.
Tejasvi and Prahlad reach chawl. Tejasvi in high volume says my child won’t concentrate in standard school however an English medium school. Chintamni reproves a chawl individual for disrupting guidelines. Tejasvi shares with Chintamni, fail to remember the annoyance and here have desserts. Chinatmani asks you giving me desserts.
Tejasvi says in my home we appropriate desserts made in desi ghee for events. Chintamani asks whats the event. Tejasvi says my child will concentrate in rich English school whoes charges are more than your chawls lease.
Chintamani says however Keshav said he has cash issues thus didn’t give me store, so next opportunity don’t arrive contending to me and this school affirmation and desserts are from my cash and accept this act of goodwill some help from me to you.
Keshav checks stock, Keshav illuminates Srinivas that there is less stuff than what is in registery. Srinivas says might be you counted wrong and you are new here and my lesser you can’t address me go leave.
Sai sees Keshav is stressed and expresses Keshav in his havan and says don’t abandon your chiefs and truth anyway troublesome the way be.
Precap :Sai is educated by a resident that his home is having part of robberies and he is dubious of his child’s companion Sanju. Sai says alright we should get a handle on that and requests that Baizamaa go at Yamuna’s and send Sanju to Dwarka Mai to have food with Sai.
Also read: Mere Sai 3rd May 2022 Written Update