Mere Sai 3rd February 2022 Written Update:

Sumitra brings milk for Mukund yet he isn’t in the room. She checks Girija’s room yet she isn’t there all things considered. She lets her significant other know that Mukund isn’t at home. He inquires as to whether she has checked the house appropriately.

She avows. He thinks about how they their concerns are expanding multi-crease. Vishwanath reasons that he is a little child. He can’t go anyplace all alone. How about we check. They ask everybody except nobody has seen Mukund.

Sumitra demands Sai to assist them with tracking down Mukund. We can’t find him anyplace. Baiza Mausi said that you can glance each conceivable way. If it’s not too much trouble, track down my child. He requests that she accompany them.

Sumitra asks Sai where they are going. He signals her to hush up. Listen cautiously. They hear somebody singing a cradlesong. Someshwar and Vishwanath come there s well. Sumitra goes nearer and views it as Girija.

Girija requests that her child call him Aayi. I’m your Aayi, correct? Call me Aayi. Sumitra tells her that she is Mukund’s Aayi. Girija says I gave you that position yet you don’t merit it. That is the reason he isn’t Mukund however Gopal from today and I am his Aayi.

My Gopal has gotten back to his Devki Ma today. I wont let him go anyplace now. Sumitra feels unsteady as she cries. Someshwar holds her without a moment to spare. Awaken, Sumitra. Kindly open your eyes. Vishwanath takes a gander at his better half. Sai comments that it is an indication of looming storm when the provider begins inquiring.

Sumitra cries when she awakens. Did you hear what Tai is talking about? Someshwar advises her to comprehend Girija’s condition. She is in shock at this moment. Sumitra takes Mukund from Girija and drives her hand away. Girija tumbles down. Sumitra ventures back. He is my child! I wont give my child to anybody ever! Girija weeps for Gopal. Vishwanath solaces her.

Sumitra hurries to her room and shuts the entryway from inside.

Girija demands getting her child back from Sumitra at any expense. Vishwanath stops her. you are doing some unacceptable thing. Wake up first. She asks him how a mother can come ot her faculties in the wake of losing her child.

Mere Sai 2nd February 2022 Written Update:

He says I see yet you did it without anyone else’s help. She concedes that she committed an error. Would it be a good idea for me to be rebuffed for it my whole life? Ask Someshwar. He wont say no as he comprehends my position. Gopal is our child. He advises her to control herself.

Someshwar requests that Sumitra open the entryway. She consents in the wake of ensuring that no other person is there separated from him. He advises her to control herself however she answers that she can’t surrender her Mukund. I have given him all the adoration I had. He has turned into my life. I can’t return to that stage once more.

He tells her that she is right at her place yet attempt to comprehend what is happening. She asks him when they will track down Shyam. I have sat tight for a long time. I can’t surrender this bliss once more. He advises her that they got this bliss in light of Girija as it were. She consents to kick the bucket consequently yet she can’t surrender her child. I had begun to carry on with a tragic life yet after how has been treated, wont let either her back out nor will I back out at this point!

Sai takes out a piece of material as He stops almost a tree.

Girija and Vishwanath return home. Girija asks Sumitra for Gopal. Sumitra says I don’t have a clue about any Gopal. My child Mukund is resting inside. Girija says he is my Gopal before your Mukund. Sumitra prevents her from heading inside.

Remember that you gave me Gopal legitimately. We have every one of the papers. I’m his mom legitimately. I have every one of the freedoms to settle on choices for him. Anything with respect to Mukund will occur according to my desire. I can even go to police headquarters if necessary. Someshwar reminds her who she is addressing.

Sumitra says right now I am only a mother who is attempting to protect her child. A mother can even battle with God for her child. Girija seconds her. I’m his genuine mother. I wont stop now. Sumitra says I never requested that you make that sacrifie however since I have Mukund, somebody can isolate him from me solely after my passing. Girija consents to take the make a difference to the court. She requests that her better half record the case.

Everybody is stunned. Sumitra advises her significant other she needs a choice to be made on this matter as well. I need to perceive how the choice won’t be in support of myself. She advises her significant other to begin the prepares for the procedure too. The two women leave. Someshwar asks his sibling what they ought to do. Vishwanath says Baiza Mausi says that there is just a single arrangement when every one of the entryways are shut.

Sai encourages the siblings to prevent Girija and Sumitra from taking their family matter external their home. The whole family loses when that occurs. Vishwanath says we concur with you. We would rather not take this make a difference to the court however how could we placate the women? Someshwar says they aren’t willing to abandon Mukund.

We comprehend their position. They are directly in their circumstance. Sai clashes. A choice which will be taken in court will discredit one of them. Ideally, let’s sort this out in God’s court. Vishwanath says God’s equity takes time. We wont have the option to hold them off for a really long time or they will go to court all alone. Sai recommends pushing it for later for some explanation then, at that point. The circumstance may change tomorrow.

Sarkar giggles at the possibility of an affectionate family battling in light of the choice made by Fakir. I will demonstrate it to everybody that His thoughts are bad. Tejasvini likes him. You might make Him peer down yet I trust individuals wont wind up saying that you constrained somebody to settle on an off-base choice.

Sarkar says I am far located dissimilar to other people. This is the justification for why I called you here. He overcomes Banta in the round of chess. He requests that Tejasvini work on something for him (in quiet). My choice will be conclusive however I don’t need anybody to have even the smallest uncertainty so you should set the account. Girija will be obligated to me. that whole family will be in my control assuming you figure out how to break Sumitra. It will be a first triumph for me in breaking Sai’s fan.

Shyam is alert. The old woman requests that he eat food in order to go to Shirdi rapidly. He asks her when they will go to Shirdi. She lets him know that she is poor. We will go when we orchestrate cash for the bullock ride. He cries feeling that it is going on as he lost the rudraksh. Sai had told me not to eliminate it explicitly.

Indeed, even Baiza Ajji had said that Sai helps everybody. I don’t figure I will actually want to meet my folks once more. I feel that I will actually want to join with them once we find the rudraksh. She proposes searching for the rudraksh once more. Perhaps that will clear a way for you to return home soon. There is just a single way from my home to the sanctuary. It should be there some place. Shyam demands Sai to assist him with finding the rudraksh.

Precap :Sumitra awakens with a beginning around evening time. Sai says it is the last test. We should see who will win – the murkiness of childishness or the radiance of tolerance! Sumitra gets out of the house holding Mukund in her arms.

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