Mere Sai 2nd June 2022 Written Update:

Mere Sai 2nd June 2022 Written Update on

Sudama consents to sell his property. Bhiva says this is our main kind of revenue we can’t sell it. Sadashiv says you will actually want to orchestrate Laxmi’s wedding regardless have some left.

Others say however that cash can’t be utilized deep rooted, what will we do a while later. Sadashiv says I am developing factory for all of you and giving you work is my obligation and you will procured fixed compensation and nothing to stress over climate. Sudama says Bhiva I figure we ought to sell land. Bhiva says I think not.

Sadashiv says nobody is compelling you and whoever needs to sell land I will give cash immediately and we can accomplish paper work later, I trust you many all we are associated as Sai aficionados.
Patil says exceptionally evident, and presently how might we take choice without Sai and when we talk about with Sai we can let you know our choice. Sadashiv says alright and thinks will Sai concur.

Mira strolls in Dwarka Mai, Sai says come Mira keep laddo on the table and come in. Mira shocked seeing Sai knows it all. Mira asks Sai might she at any point help him, he says no I am practically finished.

Neel sees laddos considers taking laddo and stows away and attempts to take. Mira sees him and gradually pushes plate close to him, he removes it and runs uninformed Mira helped him. Sai sees plate and grins, he asks Mira for what good reason are there less laddo. Mira says nothing can be stowed away from you, Sai says you let Neel take however you didn’t consider outcomes, accompany me.

Sai takes Mira flawless Neel and shows her, he has tumbled down and harmed himself and crying. Mira races to help him.Sudama asks Laxmi’s eventual parents in law for some additional time. He says you continue deferring the wedding giving faltering reasons like there is issue in my child, I can hardly stand by any longer. Sudama says my little girl’s future will be destroyed don’t do this, for my little girl kindly permit me some time. He says I allow you multi week time, on the off chance that you can orchestrate alright or probably we should drop.

Subhadra shares with Bhiva she can’t see Sudama in this state, might we at any point help him. Bhiva says I have tired everything, in any event, for credit however all residents are concerned in light of no downpours. Subhadra gives her mangalsutra, Bhiva says I can’t take this and tells her he even attempted to contract land yet nobody has cash except for how might we make due. Bhiva hears Sudama cry.

At Dwarka Mai, Sai treats Neel and asks how could he tumble down. Neel says I was having laddo in my grasp and canines ran behind me and I tumbled down. Sai says never take request anything you desire. Neel says I took in my example. Sai requests that Mira get laddo and packs not many for Neel and says go offer with your companions as well. Neel expresses gratitude toward Sai and leaves.

Mira shares with Sai, it was her error to push the plate close to him. Sai says Mira, we generally attempt to conceal close ones issues without considering outcomes, you are concealing something excessively right. Mira says you are correct Sai, I need to conceal not many things in light of my better half yet I never upheld this, I can’t utter a word more.

Sai says I see yet on the off chance that we see off-base regardless don’t stop won’t we be additionally essential for that wrong qnd I go to God that you before long fall in circumstance where you don’t need to conceal anything. Mira says I realize you will track down an answer for me, and tells about her wellbeing and how it halted after Sai’s gifts and she surmise medication is working.

Bhiva strolls to Sudama and wipes his nipples, Sudama says don’t give misleading expectation, you are not permitting me to send land you won’t ever know what is going on. Bhiva says I am attempting as well, she is my little girl as well. Sudama says you won’t ever figure out my circumstance,

I simply see disappointment wherever even after this being a decent match, I can’t organize wedding. Bhiva says I am attempting and Sai won’t allow anything awful to occur and assuming Sai concurs we will send land, Sudama is simple for yourself and in the event that my little girl’s marriage breaks I will end it all.

Pandhari offers his tree and shares with Badhaee he can cut it. Sai stops them. Patil and others see Sai and stroll to them. Pandhari tells Sai, he offered tree to Badhaee for tremendous sum. Sai says however its old tree. Pandhari says OK and gives no leafy foods no utilization to me. Sai says its a decent day for you, I will give you gigantic sum and sell me yoru mother, she is likewise old and confined to bed, why keep her,

this tree is qualities gift and you can’t sell it, as your mom has dealt with you all your lfie ao has this tree and today its giving no trees so you will kill it. Pandhari says you are correct Sai, my children additionally developed playing with this tree and I got affected by some cash yet in addition I am stressed over no development and having no cash to get by. Sai says your ranch isn’t dried at this point and why ruin things, and we as a whole will help you in tough situations, right Patil. Patil says OK we will battle what is happening together, we will share abundance. Pandhari returns cash and expresses gratitude toward Sai.

Sai asks Patil and others for what valid reason are they here, Patil says we stick here for some conversation yet we found our solutions. Sai favors everybody and leaves. Sadashiv asks Patil for what valid reason didn’t he ask Sai inquiry, Patil says since we found our solutions and sorry we can’t offer our property to you. Sudama thinks he simply has multi week to organize cash and leaves.

Sadashiv illuminates Balvant, Sai impacted individuals and it yas become troublesome. Balvant says I am giving as much cash as you need, your work is to get me land and I can’t come here day to day, consider the possibility that somebody sees me. Kulkarni strolls to them and says I saw you.

Precap :Balvant sees Sai wherever he goes.He goes check for Sai in Dwarka Mai to guarantee something isn’t off with him. Dwarka Mai light with diyas. Balvant says Sai hasn’t arrived, Sai says you came to see me and leaving without meeting me.

Also read: Mere Sai 1st June 2022 Written Update

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