Mere Sai 29th April 2022 Written Update:

Mere Sai 29th April 2022 Written Update, written episode on

Keshav strolls in the room and starts cleaning it. Tejasvi caughs and says how might we stay here, for once contemplate our child, Keshav takes a gander at Prahlad and says I realize this isn’t similar to our Wada yet as Sai says house is made by individuals who loves we will make this house well assuming that you be with me, Prahlad embraces him and says I don’t have issue and starts helping him.

Tejasvi covers her face with material, chawl kids snicker at her. Keshav says this is new beginning for me also, this is our home and you are our Lakshmi and as Sai says on the off chance that Lakshmi is troubled, house will not be cheerful. Tejasvi says you listen all that Sai says yet don’t pay attention to me. Keshav tells her, I am hanging around for you, my companion has requested that I meet Mazgaon dock, and find a new line of work, soon we will move to more readily house. Prahlad says this house is great too Aai. Tejasvi says come lets work and starts helping them.

Keshav ponders Sai and expresses be with me, I am beginning another section tomorrow.
Ratan asks on his way and says today Sai will trust me. Ratan sees a youngster crying and asks him what’s up, He says my mom is unwell and she is conceded in Shridi thus when I went to see Kulkarni Sarkar for medication he said it will be 50paise and I don’t have cash. Ratan grins at him and gives him cash and says purchase medication for your mom. Kid says this is more how might I bring change back. Ratan says keep it, he says my mom has shown me not to extra, so I will return your cash on the grounds that my mom won’t approve of it. Ratan grins and says I will be at Dwarka Mai give it there, he expresses gratitude toward Ratan and leaves.

Sai sees weight balance in Dwakra Mai, townspeople accumulated examine anything that might occur here, it will be for somebody’s advancement. Das guruji asks purpose for weigh balance. Ratan strolls in and welcomes Sai. Ratan says lets start I got all that I have. Kid shows up there. Sai sees him and calls him close to him. Ratan says quite decent of you to bring change back. Sai asks him what is in your grasp. He expresses medication for my mom. Sai says give it to me and sit on weigh balance. He goes sit. Ratan figures I will effortlessly win and demonstrate that I am rich and says Sai on the off chance that I realized I wasn’t a youngster I would bring only one box. Sai says lets start.

Ratan begins keeping his assests on opposite side of weigh balance. Ratan and others astounded to see the weight balance not dropping down, Ratan continues to add silver gold and part of ither valueable things cabin weight balance doesn’t go down. Ratan sees alk his abundance couldn’t win against a youngster and says how can this be, the manner by which might this youngster at any point be so weighty. Sai says you lost the test. Ratan says I figured I would effectively win yet I lost, I am sorry Sai. Sai says hold these things back. Ratan’s men hold all that back in boxes.

Sai goes keeps the medication on opposite side which overloads. Everybody astonished. Ratan says how can this be the case. Sai expresses out loud whatever your costly things couldn’t do your assistance did, in light of the fact that the cash you gave him was benevolence, when you are left with cash by seniors its for your improvement yet not on the grounds that you turn sluggish, have pride, you have become so apathetic, you would rather not sit on floor or with locals you grew up with, for you extravagance is part of cash and for me its thoughtfulness, cash isn’t awful, yet the way in which you use it makes you rich, you have acquired a ton yet how much did you give, and look today what your little demonstration of kindess did, think do as well assuming you get parcel of gifts by graciousness it will be incredible, lead an existence of hardwork and give for consideration and afterward you will be wealthy in obvious sense.

Ratan says you are correct Sai, I feel such a ton better now, I came for a certain something however received such countless things consequently. Sai says I will appeal to God that you may before long have a youngster. Ratan says thanks to him.

Tejasvi requests that Keshav get electrical technician to fix the fan. Keshav says individuals should be snoozing now. Tejasvi says this is Mumbai and you get everything here, constantly. Two men see Keshav and asks what’s up, Keshav says he is searching for a circuit tester, one of them says he knows the work and will help him, he assists Keshav with fixing the power. Keshav says thanks to him and requests his charges. He says I have faith in mankind and we are your neighbors. Tejasvi says we don’t get this in Shirdi, and I can rest for extended periods of time now, so I will get up late tomorrow.

Pre cap: Sai is asked by a man to show him a method for disposing of all his unfortunate behavior patterns. Sai says keep this mirror it will show you persistent vices, continue to fix and you will he inactive man soon.

Also read: Mere Sai 28th April 2022 Written Update

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