Sai adds wood in the dhuni. Sakku’s MIL asks her son to open the door. He refuses to come out. She will kill me I do so. His mother tries again but in vain. A neighbor asks her to step aside. We have no option but to break the door. They break open the door. Kaki runs to her son. What have you done to yourself?
The neighbor says it was your DIL first and now your son is affected by it too. Something might be wrong with the house. Why don’t you pray to Sankatmochan? She agrees to go tomorrow. Her son hugs her and cries. Please save me, Aayi.
Sai add more wood in dhuni. Sakku’s stepmother is sleeping peacefully. She wakes up and notices Sakku applying haldi on her wound. She recalls how she had gotten hurt and pushes Sakku’s hand away. Sakku walks away quietly.
Mere Sai 21st-Oct-2021 Written Update:
Next morning, Mhalsapati ji does puja in Khandoba temple. It is Martand’s first day to work. Help him learn the job well and become accomplished. Please help him grow in life and make everyone proud. He is surprised to see Sai there. Sai asks him to donate something in the Maruti temple nearby.
Mhalsapati ji asks Him if there is a specific reason behind going there. Sai nods. We have to fix what’s wrong. Those are far need to be brought together. I am sure Sankatmochan will hear my prayer. He leaves. Mhalsapati ji wonders who Sai is trying to help this time.
Sakku’s MIL comes to temple and prays for her son’s well-being. The diya blows out. What does this mean? Is this a bad omen? Does it mean that my son can never be healed? Don’t know who cast an evil eye on my family. Both my DIL and son fell prey to this problem. Who should I seek help from? Mhalsapati ji says there is only one person who can bring them out of their problems. Sai! He has a solution to everything. She recognizes him as Sakku’s Kaka. You were in the house that day right?
Sakku’s father believes in Sai too. Why did Sakku lose her mind then? Forgive me but I don’t believe in such people. Mhalsapati ji tells her to give it a try. Shirdi is nearby only. There is no harm in trying. To be honest, Sai has sent me here. He repeats Sai’s words. I feel that Sai was referring to you only that’s why he is suggesting this. It is your decision now.
Sakku’s MIL takes food for her son. She finds him shivering on the floor and murmuring Sakku’s name. She checks his forehead. He has high temperature. She thinks of Mhalsapati ji’s words. He thinks that Sakku is dead. He might become normal after seeing Sakku. We will go to Shirdi tomorrow. There is no other way.
All kids and their parents have gathered in Shirdi. Sai asks them if they don’t have to go home. Parents say that kids are very happy after going to work. We know that you dint want them to go there but we assure you that nothing wrong is going on in the factory. Prasad ji loves kids. Mhalsapati ji adds that kids have been trained on their job well. Plus, they also got their first salary.
Everyone wants to give their salary to Sai but Sai tells them that He cannot accept it. Ragini requests Sai not to say no. Latika says we love you so we want to give you. Martand says you said you will be always with us. Bela requests Sai to accept it or they will be heartbroken. They fold hands and request Sai to accept it. Sai gives in. I have a question though. He asks the elders if they are sure this is right.
Will this job not hinder their growth? Mhalsapati ji says we will make sure that they are always happy. Others join in. Sai picks up a small pot and extends it towards the kid. They put their salaries in it and smile. Sai tells everyone to go home now. Their studies should not be hindered because of work.
Srikanth tells all elders to remember Sai’s words well. Parents must make sure that kids study in class and at home well. I am saying this because I have heard him talking about work at school too. Too much excitement is not good for anyone. Everyone nods and leave for their homes except Srikanth.
Sarkar tells Prasad he has fooled the villagers well. They put their thumb impression on the contract when you showed them those dreams. Prasad nods. That’s how it has been since years. That’s how poor remain poor and rich become richer. Sarkar tells them to keep them in check. Prasad says let’ have Saburi like that Fakir says. They both laugh at it.
Srikanth asks Sai why He is worried. Sai asks him to bring the small pot. Srikanth brings it. Sai asks him to check what’s inside. Srikanth opens it and it is filled with dirt. Srikanth says kids added their salaries in it. What’s this? Sai says Guru looks after his students after the parents. This is the reason only you can see the truth. This is the reality of that earning. Childhood is meant to study and play, not for work. Srikanth says you could have said the same thing to them. They would have listened to you.
Sai says not everything can be said out loud. People have to figure out some things on their own with time. I have explained it many times that a temporary affection costs one badly. Srikanth asks Him what will happen next. Sai says we must make ourselves capable of facing any difficult situation. If they don’t forget the teaching of Shraddha and Saburi then they will come out of this as stronger human beings. God knows what will happen if they give up on that.
Sarkar laughs. You are so dramatic! Prasad asks him why he is so happy about it. Sarkar says you don’t know but I am now in a situation to take revenge from Fakir. He couldn’t stop villagers from falling in our trap. This is the first sign of our victory. Who will be blamed when the parents will realize that they wont be able to get out of this trap? They will begin to question the Fakir as to why He dint do anything!
Precap :Sakku’s husband asks Sakku why she was in that situation. Sai asks Sakku to tell truth to everyone.