Srikanth ji asks Ashavaan ji what will occur straightaway. Did Mai concur? Ashavaan ji says like Baizama said, no mother can at any point consent to send her child away from herself. That was Mai’s case as well.
Mai shuts the entryway from inside and cries embracing Sai. I wont give my child to anybody! The men pace worriedly. Anna’s SIL tells Anna that Fakir Baba is still outside. He needs to address you and Mai. I attempted to discourage him however he wont concur.
He continues to say that both of you are tie by a guarantee. Anna’s sibling says there was no such guarantee. I will send him away. Anna stops him. How about we listen to him first. He advises his SIL to call the Baba inside. Mai yells from inside once more. I wont give my child at any expense!
Fakir Baba man says we can’t change the fate. Your child is destined to help the world. The person who can venture out will be the person who can change the universe for great. Initial step is penance.
Mere Sai 10th December 2021 Written Story:
Somacharya says Fakir ruined our arrangement and you were unable to do anything. Mukhiya says I might have harmed the Fakir myself however I dint as I saw compassion according to a resident for Him. He is an elderly person all things considered. Individuals couldn’t see Him consequently.
This would have made them oppose us. Somacharya trusts this wont block their arrangement of cutting the trees. Mukhiya says I have an answer for that. I have called men from adjacent towns who will cut the trees around evening time. Fakir can embrace them all He needs around evening time. He can get killed all the while. What do we give it a second thought? The two of them snicker.
Sai gestures at Mai who yells against it. I don’t see any of this! Fakir Baba says you do see how to live by your guarantee. Attempt to recall what you had said while requesting a child from Panchmahabut. Anna gets strained as he reviews their guarantee. Mai recalls that it as well. She cries weakly.
I wont give my child to anybody. He is as yet a child! He can do anything He desires when He grows up. I haven’t addressed Him however much I might want yet. He dint utter a word for a very long time. He has quite recently begun talking. She separates. Fakir Baba inquires as to whether they actually consider Him a child. Is what you have seen till now insufficient? They recall the minutes they have seen previously.
Anna demands Mai to ask Sai once. What does He need? Mai rehashes that He is only a child. We are mindful to choose what’s positive or negative for Him. Sai tells Mai that He should go. Everybody is stunned. Sai says you know it too which is the reason you are so fretful. This is my fate. Try not to stop me. She embraces Him and cries. I wont let you go. Sai wipes her tears. Children can never be away from their folks. They stay together as affection and gift. Mai says you have begun talking lofty things. Sai solaces her.
Mai opens the entryway. Sai embraces Anna. Mai tells Sai she wont prevent Him from leaving. However, you can leave toward the beginning of the day. You will remain with us this evening as our child. Anna gestures thus does Fakir Baba. Sai concurs too. Mai embraces Sai and cries quietly. Everybody is crying in Dwarkamai. The women look on as Sai plays with Anna and his sibling. The report about Sai leaving the town in the first part of the day spreads in the town.
Mai tells Sai she may be taking care of Him with her hands once and for all. I ask that you never pass up a mother’s adoration. Trust you get a mother’s adoration in some structure in this life. This way I will feel that my adoration is with you.
Baizama cries. I was unable to comprehend it till date what power pulls me to Sai so unequivocally. I understand it today that it was Mai’s affection. Ashavaan ji gestures. It stayed with Sai until the end of time. Whole town was dismal to realize that Sai will leave tomorrow.
Mukhiya ji and locals choose to prevent Sai from leaving tomorrow first thing. He has rejuvenated this town. He has brought such a lot of adoration and congruity between us. We will do anything that we should in order to stop Him.
Mai strokes Sai’s head as He rests His head in her lap. Anna and Mai cry while checking out their child.
Next morning, Sai awakens and observes Mai sitting similarly situated and as yet tapping His head. She offers to assist Him with preparing however He pleasantly demands her to make kheer for Him all things being equal. She heads to the kitchen.
Ashavaan ji says the solicitation was more for the wellbeing of Mai. He needed Mai to track down joy in doing something final for her child.
Mai takes care of kheer to Sai. He wipes her tears. She cups His face pleasantly. They hear upheaval outside and go outside to check. Locals have assembled outside. They demand Sai not to leave them. Kids apologize to Sai for prodding Him prior. Kindly don’t leave us. Sai embraces them. I never acknowledged it however I should go at this point. Mukhiya ji says this town needs you. Sai says this town needs solidarity.
The day you figure out how to be with one another and speak more loudly against treachery, you wont need me or any other individual then, at that point. His relatives embrace Him individually. Mai inquires as to whether He should leave. Allow me to cook for you. He denies. I should go at this point. She is concerned with respect to what He will eat however Sai tells her that Mother Nature will deal with Him now.
How might that mother leave me alone hungry when you dint? I simply need your approval. He contacts her feet. She embraces Him. Sai withdraws. He contacts the feet of Fakir Baba who favors Him. Everybody folds hands as the two of them leave. Sai’s family separates.
Precap :Fakir Baba sees Sai pondering. He chooses to go alone to bring aid however at that point tracks down Sai outside hanging tight for him. He thinks back and sees Sai still in supplications inside.